Aion Classic Discussion

  • More than I wanted real Aion classic before, I now want a confirmation that 1.x is not being considered at all and "classic" will launch as 2.0 so me and my friends can forget Aion and move on with our plans. Please.

  • More than I wanted real Aion classic before, I now want a confirmation that 1.x is not being considered at all and "classic" will launch as 2.0 so me and my friends can forget Aion and move on with our plans. Please.

    I can't provide such a confirmation unless it is actually the case. The feedback we got so far has been reported. If there is anything new, we will inform you. We should know a bit more by the time we get the next livestream. Not making any promises, we will see.

  • More than I wanted real Aion classic before, I now want a confirmation that 1.x is not being considered at all and "classic" will launch as 2.0 so me and my friends can forget Aion and move on with our plans. Please.

    Feel free to move on if that is your wish. Throwing your weight around with entitled demands isn't going to get us anywhere. I voted for 1.x over 2.0 in the other poll for reasons of my own. I am not however saying i won't play if we get 2.0 but i know many friends who won't jump into the game with me if that happens. I will be there regardless but i wanted 1.x

    Galeas: please get a moderator to check my post on page 78 that for some reason is still unavailable. In that post i share some thoughts on what concerns i have about how some of the other regions were managed. No foul language used so i don't understand why it was auto-blocked.

  • More than I wanted real Aion classic before, I now want a confirmation that 1.x is not being considered at all and "classic" will launch as 2.0 so me and my friends can forget Aion and move on with our plans. Please.

    Feel free to move on if that is your wish. Throwing your weight around with entitled demands isn't going to get us anywhere. I voted for 1.x over 2.0 in the other poll for reasons of my own. I am not however saying i won't play if we get 2.0 but i know many friends who won't jump into the game with me if that happens. I will be there regardless but i wanted 1.x

    Galeas: please get a moderator to check my post on page 78 that for some reason is still unavailable. In that post i share some thoughts on what concerns i have about how some of the other regions were managed. No foul language used so i don't understand why it was auto-blocked.

    I have the same thing, I think the first post you make is moderated.

  • I have the same thing, I think the first post you make is moderated.

    Thing is it wasn't my first post. It was like my 5th or something? Not sure what's going on... Although glad I'm not the only one with the issue ;(

  • More than I wanted real Aion classic before, I now want a confirmation that 1.x is not being considered at all and "classic" will launch as 2.0 so me and my friends can forget Aion and move on with our plans. Please.

    Not reconsidering to start on previous (before 2.0)patch no matter what Galeas personal opinion on that matter is, from Gameforge side would be a big mistake.

    Because its definitly players that will take real life time to spend on the game,
    and real earned money to spend on that license,
    is the majority hardly asking as it was in most players mind,
    to start at 1.x.

    Gameforge as a publisher best interest is to have the best profitable license,
    as long as possible.

    I think Classic EU release at 1.x with the majority of players being happy on it,
    (the other 20% will accept as it was intended in the first case of all mindset)

    is the most profitable license of Aion Classic EU.

    Where 2.0 without even being released bring up huge drama and dissapointement.

    Players are expressing their tought,

    The exact episode that players are asking from 1.2 to 1.9 isnt the main topic,
    the main topic is players not willing to have release at 2.0 but previous patch.

    We can argue with the fact that "those vote could be representative or not",
    it mostly show a majority of active user on social media (discord/forum/twitter),
    that are expressing their will on that matter.

    As 2.0 annoncement was dropped like a bomb that what we could mostly do,
    making poll.

    Don't take player anger toward this decision personal,
    but doing such decision make alot of concern when it come to the futur of Aion Classic, as most Gameforge staff opinion / Aion Gameforge global team decision showed the majority of players that your mindset does not match the majority of Futur Aion EU Classic population.

    We all make mistake, its all right, best thing is to avoid them as much as possible when you still can avoid them.

    Best regards for Galeas and all other staff member,
    that are issuing alot of backslash or quote on every words they say and sometimes if not most of the time words can be distorted in any ways.

    If we can take a good thing about it is that at least players are concerned and this license will not be ignored.

  • Considering most of players there seems to dislike 2.x aswell as the new content NCsoft is working it, even if we get 1.2 the game gonna be dead in a year or two at most and that's a shame

    Why dead?

    For my, to game will be dead, there R only 3 issues:

    1) rush with releasing

    2) power leveling (or system, what we have already in live servers) and make the 90% content useless

    3) expensive access to the game

    I would be more a bit more considerate before quoting messages out of their context from discord and going with very extreme and epidermic reactions about it. I also sometimes just give my opinion about things (rarely but it happens) and it doesn't necessarily mean that the whole AION team feels the same way, or that I am right about it. This is not an official statement about such a topic it's just a daily discussion with users on discord. We will talk more about this topic (officialy) in the stream that will take place in december.

    But You was just telling it straight.

    Another time i will tell U, by myself only - as i wrote many time " i dont like that power leveling" and also i forgot, to add in the previous posts, that i dont like also rush with the releases updates.

    The power updating is alive also in live servers. I remember Ur promises about every future updates - i forgot only, during which patch U (CoMas) was saying it - that U will release the updates more faster than present (that past time).


    Additional explanation

    Do U know, what is the most sick with this updating too fast? - because player cant finish present content; most of the players R in the 60-70% progress of content and U just spread a new one and reset all previous achievements; also using updates U promote fast p2w players (i predict 25% of live servers in total) and make the "rest" 75% players negative attitude to the game; also if this happens second time those people will stop play actively or only log in to the very good events (what is maybe once a year, of course [taunt] if event designer in GF will not cut it [end]), or completely stop play.

    >this speech touches the live servers and also, as i readed U in previous pages - classic. Guys, i can prepare U all in NCSoft and Gameforge - really pro and tasty coffee, but U know, please be friendly with settings <3

    Edited 3 times, last by robi1102 ().

  • The reason why it might "die" has nothing to do with the game being 1.* or 2.* or 3.* or 4.* or a new version that NCSOFT is making.

    It has to do with Gameforge and their reputation, sorry I have to bring it up, in case you all forgot about the past and history.

    They have a chance to redeem themselves... sure, but will it happen? Who knows.

    No matter what happens, Aion will be a very niche game and to be fair if they do it right, they might be able to maintain a decent population for quite a long time.

  • They are already failing, before even starting.

    They failed to understand what players want.

    Bringing this direct 2.0 release on the table is showing that Gameforge cannot understand players mindset when it come to Classic.

    But they can correct this mistake, we will see on the stream what are they gonna do,
    we waiting for final answer about episode if players gonna hold on it or just don't bother anymore and leave to the next MMO

  • I am just hoping they find a way to simulate 1.x (content + drop rates) at least for a bit so we can actually play the ''Classic'' and progress how we are suppose to

    Also a costume rich cash shop cause I been saving for this game for years I'm ready to ruin my life on cute skins ||

  • I am just hoping they find a way to simulate 1.x (content + drop rates) at least for a bit so we can actually play the ''Classic'' and progress how we are suppose to

    Also a costume rich cash shop cause I been saving for this game for years I'm ready to ruin my life on cute skins ||

    I'm not going to demand this and demand that.

    But as I said in my previous post, the scope to make money is very high, if played right.

    Again, not demands, from my own POV, I would prefer to play old classic, 1.2-1.9, for a short time, 2 months or so, then move on to "new" classic, 2.0+. It's not a dealbreaker, but starting at 2.0 removes a vast portion of the game and, as we have seen, would really put a lot of people off.

    I don't know if it can be done, people think it's as easy as just loading up a patch, it might be, I have no knowledge on this, but they must have reasons for starting 2.0, maybe they could explain?

    I played old Aion and I played NA Classic, NA Classic was a walk in the park compared to old Aion, the battle pass and everybody knowing what they were doing made the game easier for sure, plus the candies of course. I avoided buying candies, but I bought the battle pass and it helped loads.

    So things Gameforge should do if they want to make lots and lots of money :

    Don't pee off the player base, if you can't give less than 2.0, explain why.

    Don't have any candies, NO way of paying to win.

    A battle pass isn't ideal, but make it affordable and try and not add game breaking items, this will be difficult, but if you get everything else right, most people will overlook this aspect, maybe.

    You clearly have a desire to make money, you are a business after all, this is very, very easy, costumes, dances and emotes, again, make them affordable, Aion has a vast database of great skins, dances and emotes and people love to play dress up and spam Wonder Girls dances.

    Try and avoid using "It's not up to us, it's up to Korea/NCSoft", again, very hard, because it's true, but we want clear communication, not buck passing. This might seem harsh, because as I say, it's a true statement, but it does always seem like an easy cop out.

    But most importantly, Don't pee off the player base.

    It's impossible to please all the people all the time, so on that, I wish you good luck, the above are just my thoughts, which I'm sure won't be shared by all. I'm looking forward to this Aion, so I really hope you make the decisions that please the most people and we can have a vibrant and busy server/servers, I'm rooting for you.

  • I am just hoping they find a way to simulate 1.x (content + drop rates) at least for a bit so we can actually play the ''Classic'' and progress how we are suppose to

    Also a costume rich cash shop cause I been saving for this game for years I'm ready to ruin my life on cute skins ||

    02:36 - 03:04

    How is the feeling from those pictures of Galeas's posting in discord? This is why i call the 2.0 starting as a power leveling and power updating. It's just - i cant find matching word ... bad. Just bad.

    I dont have nothing to 2.0, but if this patch deletes all previous content and makes it useless, because i gather 50kk xp from yellows and i rush for 55 level ... sorry


    About live servers:

    1) i create an account

    2) i create my character

    3) i start play

    4) i skip all content, everything - and i rush to 80 level

    5) i skip all content and i rush to 85 level

    6) i achieved the end game content very easy. 0 experience on my character, facing the huge RNG causes big gear' problems.

    7) unavailable FS weapon for me, so i will have to stay on kerub or buy extreme from shop the +8 and highier or try do +6 by myself

    8)almost 0 AP for me, new player = locked feather set and jew's set shine

    i dont wanna put more because this list will wear 1000 positions, but since point 7 it is going only to bad side and feelings fro game to me

    Edited 2 times, last by robi1102 ().

  • This is their mindset,
    they think we wanna rush patch and rush that new crap class.

    They took 2 years to release Classic but players have to pay consequences.

    They are killing Classic Aion before it even released

    Lol Obviously the lie, but it is insane how much they are already focusing on this renewed 3.0 patch. Which means they will just rush through this 2.X patch as well.
    If they could they would just start Aion "Classic" with P2W Patch 3.X.
    Luckly nobody would even consider playing in that case. XD
    So they made a compromise. (Players want 1.0, Gameforge wants 3.0: So 2.0 it is^^)

  • If they could they would just start Aion "Classic" with P2W Patch 3.X.

    Sorry but could you explain me what's p2w in reworked aion 3.0? Failed to find any info about that

    All previous zone are drop nerfed,

    Only Gelk/inggi drop with edited droprate (to prevent bot droping rare loot).

    They increased dungeon drop wich are limited per day/week.

    This make potential lootbox for enchanting stone/manastone a high ticket profuct that they could


    They could they sell plenty of those as limited offer during a limited periods of time "often" or transforme event.

    Who really know our only exmeple is Aion Retail, it started as Free to Play non Pay to win, into a fully cash shop based game.

  • I mean I get you, it is hard not to assume anything Gameforge or NCSoft touch will turn extreme p2w, but that's kinda missing the point of what this thread is for (as we all want classic in EU to be good).

    So far we don't know if reworked Aion will be p2w, we know that classic went kinda ***** with being able to sell candies and other oopsies ever since 1.x but I'd say it's worth hoping Gameforge will do what it takes to provide us healthy game for longer period of time

  • We don't want any content to be skipped. We wish to enjoy rifting and open world PvP in Eltnen/Morheim & Beluslan/Heiron, as well as dynamically experience all of the content Aion 1.x has to offer. Aion Classic 2.0 is pretty much a patch for new players to catch up... Please do your best and bring us Aion Classic 1.2, as most of us prefer the traditional hardcore AP grind till 1.5 (DP-Dredgion) and then grind again till 1.7 patch hits, that brings the Fortress Instances. These said instances will most likely encourage players to avoid any sort of PvP interaction and focus solely on the PvE aspect of the game, which would make it less fun for people who actually enjoy and play the game for its PvP aspect. Personally, I have played this game for many years and I could never get enough of its open world PvP and grinding Abyss Points through rifting and I believe many people feel the same way. After speaking with a lot of friends which I used to play on NA Classic with, they all share the same feelings towards an EU 2.0 release (in the aspect that absolutely nobody is in favor of such a release). To sum up, not only me, but the bigger part of the Aion community that plans on playing Classic want you to seriously reconsider your idea of starting EU Classic on 2.0 and if possible, to give us the 1.2 patch we have all been longing for.

  • The entire "Classic" server has nothing todo with the good old retail Aion anymore.
    But I guess it's an easy way to recycle old desired content for money, just in a bad way.
    Even the "anti bot" changes are more intended to make the game easier and more appealing to the casual generation these days. Gotta hand out everything for free!


    Edit by Isobel: out of tos

    Edited once, last by Isobel ().