The hierarchy of our Forum is the following:
- Community Manager
- Board Administrator
- (Super Moderator)
- Moderator
- Trial Moderator
If you need to complain about a behavior/decision of any of the Staff Members, please contact the level above them.
1. Accounts
- Every user is allowed one account.
- A user must not create a new account in case he is not able to login the Forum (in this case please contact the Forum Support), or if he has been temporarily or permanently excluded from it.
- Account sharing (one account being accessed by multiple users) is not allowed.
- IP-Sharing: If 2 or more persons share the same IP, they need to contact the Forum support about that. Otherwise they risk getting excluded from the forum.
- Any account that seems to be intentionally impersonating any Staff Member (from the Forum, Support, Gameforge or AION Team in general) is strictly forbidden.
2. General Conduct in the Forum
It is not allowed to have a username, post content or links that can be considered as:
- Insults
- Obscenity/ Swear word or abbreviations
- Illegal
- Pornographic
- Racist
- Religious
- Defamatory/ Personal attacks
- Commercial
- Political
- Advertisement
- Copyrighted material
Please keep in mind that the Forum is a place for communication,conversation, seeking help, giving feedback and socializing. While you might be angry, annoyed and in desperate need to express it, there might be other players that just want to spend a relaxed afternoon outside of the game. Please respect them and their ideas.
3. Posting in the Forum
While posting in the Forum, please make sure that you are posting in the appropriate section. The title should describe/relate to the subject of the thread and the content within the post.
Before creating or replying to a thread remember:
- Do not report exploits or other players in the Forum. In case you report bugs please make sure you have first created a ticket to the Game-Support.
- Do not avoid the forum-filter.
- Do not re-open a closed (or older) thread, contact a moderator instead.
- Do not give out any personal information about yourself or anyone else.
- Do not copy any correspondence without the permission of all parties involved.
- Avoid pushing threads (exception: guild introduction threads may be pushed all 24 hours).
- Avoid posts that are considered: spamming, trolling, flaming, boycotting, “quitting the game”, “violating the Terms and Conditions” or in general upsetting the forum atmosphere.
- Posts about phishing, selling accounts or gold, cheats, spreading viruses or other malicious software are not allowed.
- Do not impersonate any NCSoft/Gameforge employee or any other user from the game or board.
- Do not discuss about laws or rights in our board (e.g. basic rights, constitutional law, freedom of religion, etc.) - there are other boards for that.
- Avoid posting or sharing links that are not related to AION Free-to-Play.
- Do not discuss/complain about ingame or onforum warnings, mutes or bans in the Forum - contact the team instead.
- Please do not put usernames, company names etc as part of your threads' titles.
- Last but not least, always make sure your post is related to the subject of the thread.
4. Miscellaneous
- Avatars: Images should not exceed 150 x 150 pixels and must be no larger than 40kB.
- Signatures: Images should not exceed 530 x 200 pixels and must be no larger than 100kB.
- Text is preferred not to exceed 5 lines, unless it lists the players’ characters-servers-levels-classes-races.
- Text or images should not be “This post has already been reported.” or else anything that can mislead the moderation team or other users in thinking you have been, reported, warned or banned.
Please keep in mind that since these are brand new rules there might be adjustments within the next few weeks.