General Event Discussion

  • Galeas why was the instance entries changed, what was the reason be hide it? just been seeing some new or returning players come back its like new or returning players are not welcome, also for players that is still player instances give them something to do, so why was there a need for change?

    Why was lurkers removed again for no reason, other then make it harder for players to get manastones?

    It like you want to game to become harder like the game is only a few years old this game was released in 2009 in the EU, some 13 years ago, and changes being made there are no good reason for them to be changed its not like the game is being made better its being made worse. are you trying to lose the last players that are left playing?

  • Galeas why was the instance entries changed, what was the reason be hide it? just been seeing some new or returning players come back its like new or returning players are not welcome, also for players that is still player instances give them something to do, so why was there a need for change?

    Why was lurkers removed again for no reason, other then make it harder for players to get manastones?

    It like you want to game to become harder like the game is only a few years old this game was released in 2009 in the EU, some 13 years ago, and changes being made there are no good reason for them to be changed its not like the game is being made better its being made worse. are you trying to lose the last players that are left playing?

    Honestly, I don't know at all the logic behind it from NC.

  • maybe its time GF started to ask, Gf know when patches are coming, Gf are meant to know what its player base likes, so maybe asking about patches could only be a good thing and not leave your player base mad as hell with patches there are no need for.

    As i feel more players will leave with this patch as its horrible and so much of it was not needed.

  • Can you pls develop on "the 2 new pvp battlefields are crap"? That would help.

    As for the fragments, we are working on something to replace it.

    I'm not the guy who made the statement, but here are my 2 cents:

    The new hero system severely degrades gameplay quality imho. It feels sluggish due to the lower attack- / castspeeds and old skills (e.g. Gunner not being able to move during concentrated cannon shot) and the premade stigmata sets are completely senseless to some extend - nobody in their right mind would use Rapid Volley on a Gunner without Enhance Magic Projectile to back it up.

    I'm all for balancing PvP around skill and equalizing P2W elements from it like transformation collections, but the new arenas overdid it.

    My suggestions would be:

    • 3 min prep time in a room before loading into the arena similliar to the old Gold Arena to prepare your build for the round - including a Stigma Master and a Daevanion Trait Master. You still select your class before joining this room. After the 3 mins, the arena loads just as now.
    • Your temporary character has automatic LV85, fixed gear without manastone slots and +0 flexible Odian / Rune Slots), all enhanced Stigmata, all Daevanion Traits, all Enhanced Daevanion Skills, access to all 10 awakened S+S Rank Minions (so 2x Weda of Life, 2x Sita of Death,...), access to every transformation, either all or no collections and access to every Odian / commonly used Rune +5 (implemented via Selection Box maybe?)

    That would equalize any and all gear aspects of PvP ("if everyone is overpowered, noone is") without sacrificing the gameplay pace and level of customization that makes Aion's PvP usually so satisfying

  • Question about the "hero battle"- Is it actually even? I assume gear/stigma/transformations are maxed, but what about stuff like odian/runes/minions/collections/weapon skills/anything else implemented past 7.7?

  • Also...

    • Lack of extendable weapons for melee classes. This is the n.1 problem imo.
    • Not allowing double classes in same group in coop arena. It can be a problem with random apply, if another person grab the class you want to play and you are forced to choose something else.
    • Players cooping in chaos, same old story...
    • Unrewarding. Besides the skill-weapon boxes that are very overpriced, everything else at the moment on the list doesn't have much value for vet players.
    • Can't choose female or male charackter or change their size.
    • Should have rewards for all the players in chaos, even a minimum for the last 2 in the list, and not only 7/9
    • Having all same gear / stats etc won't make anything fair. There is still the ping factor...

    Legend of the Kaisinel Temple

  • I also not like the changes in the number of instance entry, I do not see any logic here ;/

    Uhm, only easy modes instances got IDs nerf, not that big deal. Is even somebody still running them? :/ When a fresh created char can do any ''hard mode'' instance without problems.. And u cap kinahs very easily.

  • Question about the "hero battle"- Is it actually even? I assume gear/stigma/transformations are maxed, but what about stuff like odian/runes/minions/collections/weapon skills/anything else implemented past 7.7?

    No trasformations, no daevanions, basic stigmas (not improved), old DP system. No collections etc. No odians, no runes, no minions.

    I don't know which is the gear tho. U have just basic skills, no food, DP jelly, dispell pots, dot pots (the one that heal u over time) and 25k pots (with more CD ofc).

    At least it was like this in Coop, I didn't try chaos yet.

    Before entering u got to choose ur class and u can pick one stigma set (one for each vision stigma basically).

  • Uhm, only easy modes instances got IDs nerf, not that big deal. Is even somebody still running them? :/ When a fresh created char can do any ''hard mode'' instance without problems.. And u cap kinahs very easily.

    well, you can do this kind of instances quick and sell drop, collect materials for craft, event coin.... thats why I was doing it anyway... so Im not unhappy with this nerf ....

    Galeas I think almost 100% people who still playing AION are mad about changes in ToC entries because of PIGs! this was one of small think who still were feel like 'rewarding' think.... most people do ToC for pigs... no wonder many people are mad and unhappy now, if you can't fix number of entries as GF ... so meaby you can do something with sell rate for pigs? in the pasy 4x piggs - 40 kk kinach / week, now its 50% only piggs so meaby 1 pigg would be 20 kk? thats would help and show you care about our feedback I think....

  • About the instance nerf. Galeas there is something called Gameforge features, right?

    You could request NCsoft to change this. You could ask them to keep the instance entries.

    About the HT. Last year we told you that it is not good idea to put quests for bosses which spawn each 6h or once per a few days. And what we got? The same trash. So many efforts for nothing. I am sorry no one of us need abyss, legendary manastones , 1 silentium, glory or whatever trash you put. I wont spend 10h in Lakrum to do the camp quests too. I wont even try to explain you that to wait 12 min for mob spawning and then 12 more for the next one which will be for defending and so on is so big waste of time. This mobs die so easy so if someone from the opposite faction come and take the camp you need wait 12 min for mob and then 12 more for the one which is attacking in order to defend ...

    Friendly reminder - stop put outdated items in the rewards or in shop boxes. I think it is time you and your colleagues to get idea about the game.

    I wont waste my time and nerves for this trash. You can keep it.

    One positive thing as reward was the pixel selection contract after the non selection one if the elite trash.

  • maybe its time GF started to ask, Gf know when patches are coming, Gf are meant to know what its player base likes, so maybe asking about patches could only be a good thing and not leave your player base mad as hell with patches there are no need for.

    As i feel more players will leave with this patch as its horrible and so much of it was not needed.

    Patches are not optional nor adjustable to our liking I'm afraid. We can make suggestions and eventually some will be taken into consideration for a further patch but that's as far as it goes.

  • Uhm, only easy modes instances got IDs nerf, not that big deal. Is even somebody still running them? :/ When a fresh created char can do any ''hard mode'' instance without problems.. And u cap kinahs very easily.

    well, you can do this kind of instances quick and sell drop, collect materials for craft, event coin.... thats why I was doing it anyway... so Im not unhappy with this nerf ....

    Galeas I think almost 100% people who still playing AION are mad about changes in ToC entries because of PIGs! this was one of small think who still were feel like 'rewarding' think.... most people do ToC for pigs... no wonder many people are mad and unhappy now, if you can't fix number of entries as GF ... so meaby you can do something with sell rate for pigs? in the pasy 4x piggs - 40 kk kinach / week, now its 50% only piggs so meaby 1 pigg would be 20 kk? thats would help and show you care about our feedback I think....

    Just make Ara and u make up for those money and u do them even faster. One Ara NM run is 2.5-4times more money than 1 TOC run and it takes less than 10mins now that u have to kill less Mortashas in one run. And u can do with whatever char bcs ppl take also naked chars just to have enough ppl to open final chest.

    Okay u get less money from TOCs, but it was by far not even the best method to farm money since last patch.

  • The new arena system is the best thing that has come to aion in a long time. IMO Healing wound single handedly killed PVP in this game (pls delete this) but in arena no one can use it and ayy lmao everyone to death with it - im starting to have fun again.

    Yes they nerfed the entry numbers of easy mode instances but i don't see a big problem with that. People mainly run these to do kinah caps, but there are other, better ways to do it. Just run Ara NM (still has 4 entrys) and sell your stuff, or farm tempus fungit and sell spiked gear.

    Removing lurkes is a bummer indeed. We need more AP and ultimate manastone sources now i can agree with that.

    What you need to change ASAP now GF is stats of gate/boss in raid. It feels like you do 1/10 of the damage that you did before on these. We could only manage to get 1 keep in gelk while we could only destroy 1 gate of the other keep in time. And i heared abyss should be voulnarable at the same time too but no chance dude.

  • My notes about the patch, Galeas:

    1. Instances

    Entries R getting -2 to every important instance, where I can gather items for my Item Collection: Legendary, Ultimate

    Kubrinerk + Minionite wh R also getting entries reduces.

    what is new:

    We R getting almost nothing, if we R speaking about instance' items. Magic Crystal is a loot from instance' bosses, so this way does not works. NPCs Yinnig ans Yinstanerk R selling these items, but with using Nickel and Ducat Gold what is a loot from instance' bosses, so this way also does not works.

    If we R speaking about Minionite wh and Kubrinerk, there is NPC called Skamish. This stuff is very cheap = universal. One question to it: why Minionite B instead of Minionite S?

    2. Lurkers

    We R suffering deletion this mecha, but Skamish is selling it - yes, but it has weekly limit to 3.

    description: Lurker' mechanism was touching not only manastones, but also an item calling Slot Stone. It was good way to farm this stone, if we R trying our luck for accesories / feathers with +2 slot, or even +1. Some mobs also were giving the Abyss Points.

    2. Battlefield Instances

    All old BFI's R just deleted and in this place R implemented two new instances with a new currency - again a New Currency.

    A currency called Battlefield Coin was giving legendary transformation shard bundle for special legendary transformations. Also I could buy 2 Ulti Enchants and 4 Lege, as an addiction for every week's routine.

    Abyss Points were implemented to Old BFI's, but now I am scared new instances R giving nothing.

    what is new:

    two NPCs: Skamish and Menige R selling stuff what is not bad, but I cant buy transformation shard bundle anymore, additional enchants, and I can't gather Abyss Points, to could buy stuff from NPC MEnige.

    3. Sieges

    Old time frame wasn't bad. More time for battle = more chances to conquer = more chances to be rewarded with better amount of Abyss Points

    what is new:

    25 minutes for - let me not comment it, please

    4. Sky Weapons as a standard

    I love this - for me - improvement

    5. Skills

    Galeas, why didn't U take all the Balance Lab from NCSoft? - U good know, which one.

    Now i see another boost gladiators. Lets now all leave our mains and play Glad ...

    Conclusion (my own conclusion)

    Patch is not bad, but good also no. The most i don't like, is:

    -items from instances for Item Collection -> more difficulty

    -class S minionite -> more difficulty

    -legendary transformation shard bundle -> not available anymore

    -Abyss Points -> more difficulty

    -some specific classes R getting more annoyed by Gladiators

    -siege's time frame -> annoying

    Why I don't like: If i could call any from my friends to start play AION, and any friend could agree, he will suffer big difficulties with cases i regarded as a "don't like". For my person - I will find a solution, cus I know this game with not such bad experience, but also I am getting (!) nerfed

    The most i like, is:

    -Sky Weapons

    -Skamish and Menige

    -a key for Lord's Transformation Chest (or box? - i forgot)

    -new Battlefield Arenas mecha - all. EXCLUDE rewarding system from 1 to 7 and last two R not rewarding.

    Why I like it: It really improves the game and everyone could suffer premium stuff in his account.

  • do you actually play aion?

    items from instances for Item Collection - easy, can craft any item

    class S minionite - better, can buy with ap

    Abyss Points - can get up to 20kk per week from apsharanta quests

    Gladiators skills - patch notes just messed:

    Assassin, Sorcerer and general skills are correct

    everything else was already imlpemented

  • Yes (?) I play Aion.

    "items from instances for Item Collection - easy, can craft any item" - let me spend my insignias to something other, what is more important. By the way - balls needed for crafting come from instances, usually after defeating final boss. Before i could enter instances and try farm the right item i need for recipee, without (!) spending any other sources

    "class S minionite - better, can buy with ap" - please find an abyss points's way for me right now. U know? that i had 800-900 Million AP? now i have 66 because of trying my +2 slot? With now 66 million right now i am in the same point as a new player and mostly can't do nothing with such amount. Battle Arenas deleted = cannt fo there and even farm AP. Hererim Mine did not suffer any +entry improvement.

    "Abyss Points - can get up to 20kk per week from apsharanta quests" - I know it. Let me know, if this amount is enough for player still missing his stuff. U could already loot it and U dont care it anymore. Plus - read class s description.

    "Gladiators skills - patch notes just messed:" - cool. I dont touch sorc and asas. I touch glad. Buff for its routine's skills ! And U also dont write about Total Balance Lab, what this mod comes from - specially or rly dont remember.

  • Yes (?) I play Aion.

    "Gladiators skills - patch notes just messed:" - cool. I dont touch sorc and asas. I touch glad. Buff for its routine's skills ! And U also dont write about Total Balance Lab, what this mod comes from - specially or rly dont remember.

    Glad skills changes are here since 8.0 part 2. Wondering why you just now start complaining about Glad skills.