Posts by Neverfelt

    If we could have kept the Veteran Rewards and Hero Trials, we would have.

    Migrating the game to our Gameforge Client changed things on the back end and we could not bring those mechanics with the migration.

    Hopefully we would like to bring them back in the future but that would be a lot of effort.

    I don't have all the details and I wouldn't be allowed to share everything anyway but if I remember correctly, it has to do with different shop systems between the 'old' version and the version currently on the GF Client.

    Then how come the flash auctions works with gameforge client but HT/VR doesn't? :)

    I'm making this thread as both negative feedback and raising awareness to the aion team for the situation that exists since a few months now in aion's live sieges. It all started 3 Honor Point seasons ago, a player from my server found a way to glide into fortresses and kill the honor point mobs inside while the gate outside was still intact. Other players started copying this guy and do the same while support ignored all tickets that many people sent during all those abuses. To date now, after 3 full Honor Point seasons, there are a minimum of 6 diffrent players from same server (elyos/asmo) who is abusing the sieges that way and are easily capping top 3 abyss ranks, leaving 0 chances for rest legit players to compete. Most of those abusers are elyos. The problem started only at inggison/gelkmaros fortresses, but now its expanded, and abusers found a way to enter inside Prades fort in south katalam and Divine fort in abyss core aswell, even if the last one has an energy barier around it that can kill players if touch it. All of them not punished, still playing, still abusing, and TOS for them simply does not exist. Some of them not only they don't deny it, but have the audacity to brag and try justify their actions on LFG chat on every siege when they are called out.

    Fortresses that the abuses happening:

    • Altar of Avarice (Normal servers siege, Inggison map)
    • Temple of Scales (Normal servers siege, Inggison map)
    • Vorgaltem Citadel (Normal servers siege, Gelkmaros map)
    • Crimson Temple (Normal servers siege, Gelkmaros map)
    • Divine (Normal servers siege, Eye of Reshanta Core map)
    • Prades (Integrated siege , South Katalam map)

    Since support is a waste of time, and all they doing is hiding behind formalities and take no actions, i'm asking you, the community managers, if you can pull any strings under the radar together with the aion team to make this end, then please do it. There is a new season starting soon, do not ignore the seriousness of the situation.

    Siege is one of the last things that keeping aion live... alive. You can see that from your stats that siege it's the peak time. Don't let those few players kill this game for good.

    Drestam Celes Fossilo

    [Rune] Ultimate Enchantment Potion Selection Box was deleted from inventory with maintense. I understand it was mentioned it will be deleted 3 months ago, but me and others didn't read/remember and assumed since is not an event item, and it is a FINAL REWARD item that can be used outside of event, would be intact when event ends. Plus you didn't even bother to mention that specific detail with yesterday's maintense announcement. You just generalised it that you will delete the "event items". A box with transform potion isnt an "Event item"

    I don't understand how you put transformation potions item in same level with Tia coins / Tia keys / Tia ascension jams, so you will end up deleting it. All those 3 were usable only inside tia map, ant not on the outside, like transform potions are.

    Since years now you had as an unwritten rule that when an event ends, the event items are the one that are always been deleted, and not the final rewards.

    Is there anything can be done about that at this point? Like restoring the [Rune] Ultimate Enchantment Potion Selection Box ?

    Drestam Celes Fossilo

    Hi, this should be only a visual bug, however we will perform further checks in the next following days.


    Sadly, exactly as i predicted, today with end of the honor point season, venerated rewards and badges, was falsely calculated and distributed to players from that "stucked" honor point table that i reported a month ago, and not based on what currently the real honor points number was for every player when season ended today.

    Dunno if anything can be done at this point, but this was 2 full months of siege participation we talking about. And the fact that you got warned about that a whole month ago its just... :facepalm:

    Adding up on this, in case gameforge is unaware...

    Almost all weekly vendors (venerated vendor , exp insignias vendors etc) haven't reset their sales with yesterday's maintense.


    Current player's honor points abyss ranking scores (profile --> abyss ranking --> individual elyos/asmo tab) is unsynced with the honor point's seasonable table for venerated trophies (menu --> community --> ranking --> honor points tab).

    I think that day with the hotfix about venerated trophies maybe messed that up, and seasonable honor points table for venerated tokens "stuck" at that day's points and no longer loading current player's honor points anymore.

    If it's visual bug only it's ok , but if it's not, my concern is it might conflict with the venerated trophies rewards in the end of the season (like, giving false venerated trophies rewards based on those "stucked" numbers, and not based on what currently the real honor points is for everyone)

    You better have a look at it.

    Drestam , Celes , Fossilo

    Quote from Original

    Thank you for reporting the behavior of these players, we will be vigilant, and proceed with further investigations.

    However, we cannot communicate on the progress of the investigation nor on the actions taken towards the reported players in accordance with our procedures.

    Please do not hesitate to contact us again in the event of a similar situation or should you require any further information.

    Quote from Translated

    Thank you for wasting your time reporting players who don't care about the TOS. But it's oki, because we don't care about our TOS either. We will be vigilant as our imaginery GMs will proceed with further investigations.

    However, we cannot ban these players out of fear that they will chargeback and we'll loose all the precious money they donate us. So we will play it stealth and hide behind formalities and words to trick you to believe that actions are taken.

    Please do not hesitate to contact us again if you need some higher dosage of our placebo meds.

    There... i translated it for you.

    I have no words anymore really...

    Previous daeva pass wasn't perfect, but it was something that could be f2p farmed in logical terms for final reward.

    I don't understand why are you butchering any f2p aspect left on aion live

    You silently removed hero trials (perma feature) without explanation...

    You silently removed GP vet rewards, again without explanation, like you dunno that game is basically unplayable now without gold and silver stars...

    You annihilated all f2p events, by not adding any collection contract as reward as you doing in past (pre-classic).

    And now this...

    Why you keep having the phrase "free to play" under aion's logo? Remove that too...


    that was the same other way round, n0w you have the buff, now ours complain, yadda, yadda, rinse and repeat just the colour changes

    It's not the same man, elyos storm never had lvl 8 siege buff. Don't compare a level... 4 maybe (?) that elyos storm got in past and it was for very brief time, with a level 7-8 buff that asmo storm had for months. It's like day and night.

    That broken siege buff in very high levels nulifies the rpg aspect of the game it self. If you as a pvp player, had to choose between 2 legendary stones (the siege reward) or a lvl 8 buff, what would u choose? Or let me rephrase it, if you could activate god mode on your charackter while... "loosing" and have insane advantage in pvp, would u do it? Or you'd prefer to be like the other side, that game turn your char into a punching bag and gives you 2 legendary stones because you "defend" a fort from invulnerable players that didn't wish to get it in the first place so will not loose that privilege.

    game has been in elyos favour for about 13 years

    as long as I can remember ( 3.x times) we had sieges where we would get swarmed by 2x or more players when trying to do anything as asmodian.

    For the history, if we wanna go very back, since i am sieging since very past, both factions had their ups and downs. Sometimes was elyos dominance, some other times was asmodians. Depends or server, patch, sieges etc. It was never one sided.

    About numbers, in overall in retail, yes i aggree that asmo population was always lower than elyos, that is true. (Maybe now is diffrent because many went on classic but thats a diffrent topic). But you forget 2 mayor things. First, elyos always had a lot more pve players than asmos, and second, asmos had the most hackers and cashers in the game. You had (still have) 2 mayor middle east / arab - whatever legions that was full of cashers and hackers and TOS never seems to have any impact on them. Players forced to mass abuse transfers when servers merged in past, so they will avoid these 2 legions if you remember.

    So don't try give the impression that asmos always was the oppressed ones because of the population, cause this isn't true at all.

    besides, you have the stronger siege buff ;-) you might want to look closer

    ( now it went in favor of asmo ).

    Siege wise, this isn't true, not by far. This is what storm elyos had to deal with for MONTHS in abyss core, with asmo running with perma lvl 7-8 marchutan buff, basically being immortals with crazy stats numbers. And they weren't that eager to conquere the fort, for not to loose that broken buff.

    And in integrated server, that buff isn't working like that, and it never gains any high level no matter how much a faction will loose, thats why all those previous weeks elyos got wrecked in integrated siege with the buff stuck at lvl1.

    To date now, it's more balanced, in abyss core storm, whoever finish fast the pve sieges in inggi/gelk and rush the opponent spawn zone in core, will win the pvp.

    And in kata, since population vanished, 25 min siege isn't enough to take any fort, its basically, elyos xforming at start and killing asmos for 10 min, then asmo xforming after that killing elyos for 10 min, and 5 min rehab till siege end.

    Simplest solution is usually the best: If a word is considered to be offensive by gameforge to have as a nickname, then that word shouldn't allowed to be registered inside the system in the first place when you assigned a charackter's name.

    Too easy to trick by adding single letters or using a different way to type. I guess best way is to sort it out manually and in case of thread opener they did a good job obviously.

    You are missing the point here. That word in OP's example it was written correct without altered grammar, therefore was triggered a multi day ban for him, thats all the fuss about.

    If a player try to register a controversary word that might (or not) know it's meaning, or thinks is not too serious to trigger a ban, and then a message appear that says "its not allowed to use this word here bla bla, please choose another nickname etc", then this way it protects the players who don't wish to push their luck and fully play by the rules. If someone ignores that warning and altered a word to force it to be registered in the game, then i doupt he will even come complain if he got banned at some point because of that, since he won't have any excuse.

    Simplest solution is usually the best: If a word is considered to be offensive by gameforge to have as a nickname, then that word shouldn't allowed to be registered inside the system in the first place when you assigned a charackter's name.

    And since that word doesn't have double letters or any trick to force it to be registered, then this is all gameforge's fault. But when gameforge's actions made any sense in past so they will start making now...

    Sadly we live in an era that cansel culture is out of control. You can't have an opinion without someone will be offended. This is how it is.

    If H.ello's vid is correct, you have 0.1% chances to get an apostle box from every venerated daeva box you can get, and then yolo it with 1/12 chances to give you the apostle you need xD

    So... 0.1% rng and 1/12 random are more than enough odds in gameforge's eyes for f2p players to try farm in a long term (aka imposible) goal, so don't expect anything anytime soon. :S

    After many messages exchanged with support, they came to conclusion that me and all the rest aion players who's kerub quests reseted in some or all their charackters, we obviously imagining things or we forget to do those quests from previous season, because people that never logged in aion knows better that the ones they do (gameforge's logic)

    Whatever info i gave them they ignored it and kept repeating that kerub quests only extended their previous time and they weren't reseted this time.

    Drestam (Gameforge) , give these guys a raise please, they deserve every penny.