Posts by Yolento

    But don't expect NA with 2 empty live servers as Korea to reach 7 packed classic servers. The same thing will not repeat in NA, EU or RU.

    I think you are right.

    On the one hand Korea had 4 live servers previous to classic. On the other hand, their culture is much more video games oriented. Also, probably publicity about AION was non existent in NA or EU for many years, people simply don't know the game.

    That said, here my prognosis:

    - NA server capacity will be 10,000 players each.

    - Siel server, at start, will have around 7000 players registered.

    - Israphel server initially will have around 35-40% of Siel population (that is 2500 players)

    - They will need to fill Israphel first in order to consider opening a third server. If a third server doesn't happen 3-4 weeks after release, I don't think it will occur.

    -EU had on monday 2100 players at peak in 4 servers together, 2490 on tuesday. I believe NA classic on their 2 servers will be 4000 players at peak on a regular day (better to compare after 10 days of classic launch when people don't have the free week Siel's aura). If the data of 10k players capacity is correct, Korea had 58k players at peak yesterday.

    Yes, the drop is significant, and Classic hasn't even started yet.:facepalm:

    And this is particularly evident here in numbers and data:

    source: Aion EU Online ( 20.06.21 on 10:33 am

    You are partly right. I've been "kind of" monitoring those numbers for 2 weeks now.

    To be precise, normally at peak hour, except ragna, 2 weeks ago servers had around 25-27% server capacity. During siege days, around 28-30%. Last days have been lower. For example, Friday and Saturday was 21-22% at peak, Sunday (siege) 25-27%.

    However, if you play the game you can notice certain new people running around and putting things on broker. Also, there is now a shitty event promo and to be honest you can feel that there is literally nothing to do on game. Considering livo said a month ago that server capacity is 3000, here is my conclusion.

    The game is in a depressed phase courtesy of consecutive bad events. Player's online have decreased by 3-4%, which is 2400 players per day at peak in the 4 servers instead of the 2800 active players at peak 2 weeks ago. However, that doesn't necessarily mean that players have quit.

    In the meantime, here the poll results showing a pattern of what would be expected in classic. Have in mind that this was prior to the registration. I wanted to create a character in asmo side of israphel and, due to race restriction, had to create it in elyos side, for example.


    Enchanted stigmas already. So, unless someone tells me that this half event/half promo is worth it, will simply ignore the other promo of course, I have it clear what to do the next weeks:

    1- Log in

    2- Take kaisinel powder

    3- Check that there is nothing to buy on broker

    4- Decide whether to do repetitive instances, whether to do quest to maintain the irritating weekly glory reduction or whether to simply do stuff unmotivated knowing the rewards and RNG are not worth the time

    5- Log off

    6- Repeat the next day

    In my experience, I'm getting discriminated much less since myaion.

    Being asked to link gear, this was really awful - Solved

    Being included in the group and then excluded - Solved

    It was unfair not being able to check the other - Solved

    Now you don't get discriminated directly, but indirectly. If you get accepted in groups, it's safe to say that you were checked before, that you also checked the group holder and that means higher probability of success.

    Now, if we add the possibility of learning from others, check how your DPS is progressing and have a good looking profile of your character, we have a nice tool overall. It's absurd to complain about info of a game that:

    1- It's public data.

    2- It's not personal info.

    3- It doesn't belong to you.

    But enchanting Daevanion skills is one of the easier things you can achieve in this game and even without cash.

    I don't agree with this. Sure, getting books is relatively easy, but then the rates come.

    I got stuck a lot of time trying to get from +6 to +10. It was like in my case it was configure to fail the first enchant, success on the second and fail on the third. Irritating.

    Then it came the phase from +10 to +12, where I am now, couple of fails, reasonable.

    And again a problem with +13 to +15 and the limited amount of daevanion essences. I've been stuck (for a month) with a bastard daevanion that don't want to go from +14 to +15. It's absurd.

    Now, as a bonus, it took me 16 fuse tries, 64 books, to fuse one DP skill and I got the one I didn't want. Enchanting daevanions is not as hard as enchanting stigmas, but still a pain in the ass.

    I had this idea time ago. Thought it was not possible for you to do it, but with introduction of cubes, that changes.

    Let's start with the functionality. I use myaion very often for these reasons (organized by importance):

    1- Check my own profile (it's entertaining)
    2- Check DPS and cubes of the person I'm going to do (PvE) instances with.
    3- Check profile gear and stigmas of the person that (PvP) killed me.

    Leaving my profile fetish aside jeje, I want to say that:

    2nd level functionality

    - Check server capacity

    - Check game servers

    - Check PvP instance scores

    - Check PvE rankings

    1st level functionality

    - Search button

    - Check profiles

    Having that said, I would like to suggest to boost profiles pages. Ideally, one profile would be perfect if it contained the following:

    Gear Stats (first row)

    Stigmas Daevanion skills (second row)

    Cubes (third row)

    PvE record

    PvP record

    That is regarding the 1st level of functionality. Now a bonus, 2nd functionality, suggestion.

    PvE ranking

    PvP ranking

    Stats ranking

    PvP ranking can be easy, just putting a percentage of runatorium win and lose, for example, based on myaion data. Stats ranking, on the other hand, is more hardcore, would be too much text to describe here. If interested, feel free to ask. The ultimate goal with my suggestions is to be able to create this:

    PvE mastery

    PvP dangerousness

    Example: 57% PvE mastery, 74% PvP dangerousness in a big nice looking number in character's profile. Creating the model with variables is not hard, as long as database management allows it. I ended up writing a lot, ups! jajaja

    Here my prognosis about Aion Classic:

    Will it happen?



    Around august.


    Free-to-play with shop.


    Not as much as Korea.

    Aion Classic servers in EU?



    30% people moving from actual servers

    30% old school returnees

    40% fresh/new players

    Destiny of actual servers?

    They will continue operating at least until 2023. No server merge, although ragna in danger.


    People will get curious and try it. Rumours will spread, some old school will return. In order to completely succeed, advertisement will be required and Gameforge won't do that. Hype will slowly fade away, but server activity will be stable enough to keep actual and classic servers running with profit.

    From 8 runs yesterday I have got 6 ult items and 5 jorgoth's weapons.

    From my observation you get 17 coins from 10 chocolate on average. Thats 4411 chocolates, around 220kk kinah.

    The heck? Pass me some of your luck man. I've been getting 14.5 coins for 10 chocolates. And I did the same 8 solo runs and I got 1 ultimate and 0 jorgoth's. In fact, don't know why, but I've never gotten any jorgoth's when doing prometun's workshop (normal) alone, only if I do it with people. Perhaps I'm simply unlucky.


    As a side comment: It's getting irritating to bot so much, specially when going to sleep and getting AFK disconnected after 39 minutes. Nice energy consumption for nothing. If anyone knows a trick to avoid that, I'll take it.

    Also, besides ancient contract, selectable pixel, ultimate enchantment stones and consumables prices, the other items look overpriced, particularly the vision weapon. One time and kinah-consuming chocolate event + time-consuming hero trials at the same time, it just feels overwhelming.

    So, did a test today. I bot kind of slowly, perhaps average, and it took like 13 hours to farm 1000 chocolate (with 20% chance in items). And then, for 50 million kinah, it gave 1500 rukibuki coins. I was thinking it was going to be a good event, not so sure anymore.

    Hell no, I'm not doing lakrum hero quest.

    It took me 10 minutes to find 6 mobs, which would be 17 hours of active gameplay to complete it. And we only get 14 hourglass per week (without lugbug and glory shop). No way. Now, about beshmundir. Imagine the challenge a new player would have trying to do that.


    Critic aside, I have to mention that I really like the hero trials format mainly because one reason: It's RNG free. You know exactly what you will receive for your effort and can take a better decision whether you want to do it or not.

    I particularly like the Granker king in Poeta. New players can see veteran players combat first hand with a big beast and get motivated to continue playing. They can also see the movement of players killing those 600 mobs and get an illusion of active servers.

    I've got a repeated contract in cat event, nothing good in dailies. Also, got nothing good from hellpath event in my main character, got a vision weapon in support character not account storable of course. I've seen others being luckier, getting cats, s-minion and ultimate contracts. And don't get me wrong, it's not that I'm not happy for them, I somehow do, but it's unavoidable to feel a bit of frustration courtesy of RNG. People should have same chances to get stuff. That's why I like hero trials style so much, it's a much more even playing field.

    I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm seeing some improvements in the game. Making aside the shitty events we've got in the last months, I'll like to point something. The game is much more new players friendly.

    With the anima NPC and protectorate gear tradable via broker, simplifying the currencies with insignias of experience. With exp boost every once in a while, stigma events monthly and the combat support (a.k.a bot), it's really getting easier for new players and not so new players to reduce the Gap with veterans.

    Of course I would like some stuff being more accesible for free-to-play players like luna, daevanion essence, restoration stone, ultimate enchantment stones, S-minion, ultimate transformation. But still, I like the last changes in the game, that's my humble opinion.

    You all complaining and I don't even know where the NPC that sell those things appear. :saint: It looks that I'm better off not knowing.

    Another tricky event, why am I not surprised? It's either events with full useless RNG and/or useless "first come, first served" mechanics.