General Event Discussion

  • The only reason the "elitists" dont want to get pve gear in events is because we have worked for 5 months to get our gear and dont want that those people who are just crying all the time that they cant run it to get it blown up in the butt for doing nothing, Its not the problem that we dont want you to get geared but we want that you work for it like we did.

  • Regardless of the rewards in the boxes, this is the single most toxic event that's ever been released. It really just promoted people to be toxic towards their own faction, and again gave the people with low ethic values and lots of gear a massive edge over the casual players. On Deyla there are groups of people in full red gear scouting for players opening their event boxes to steal them. This event is awful and you should really think your events through more. The only positive thing that came from the event is that we now know who not to play with.

  • The only reason the "elitists" dont want to get pve gear in events is because we have worked for 5 months to get our gear and dont want that those people who are just crying all the time that they cant run it to get it blown up in the butt for doing nothing, Its not the problem that we dont want you to get geared but we want that you work for it like we did.

    What about the people that have done their runs and got nothing for months? What about the people who don't get accepted into groups even full legendary? To hell with them right?

    That are part of most that is wrong with this community, instead of helping he least unfortunate people some guys just want them to not have good gear because for some reason they believe themselves to be better than them or having "worked harder" when maybe they simply had more luck. Pure greed and selfishness. This is a completely flawed view of the game were the guys with good gear worked for it while those without it didn't.

    Everyone would benefit from one piece of red gear, but no, because it would benefit those more unfortunate. Some people would be fine with losing an arm as long as those below them lost both of their arms. So yes, "elitist". Having better gear does not correlate always with having worked harder.

    And disclaimer, I have very nice gear and also worked for it, but am not blinded by my own ego so much as to see that other people might not have been that lucky.

  • The only reason the "elitists" dont want to get pve gear in events is because we have worked for 5 months to get our gear and dont want that those people who are just crying all the time that they cant run it to get it blown up in the butt for doing nothing, Its not the problem that we dont want you to get geared but we want that you work for it like we did.

    PvE wise, I don't get why this bothers you.

    If they are not in your group, why do you care about them ?

    If they are in your group, why don't you explain to them ?

    I understand that [you can think that] some people may never get better, but they surely won't if you never let them have a chance.

    ୧ʕ ⇀ ⌂ ↼ ʔ୨

    Edited 2 times, last by Kyuubear ().

  • I agree with some people here when they complain about what they call "elitism" however everybody needs to understand that this elitism is not created by players but by devs, yes when they make the 2 endgame instances PW \ Makarma with timer you need some requirements in order to succeed sorry but i prefer be called an elitist and do a run in PW in 15 mins than be there 3hrs because people dont know what to do, dont know how to dps its not fair for me to be there 3hrs being geared knowing what to do for someone that doesnt know anything about it. I went to HT with my alt on the other day we had a cleric and a templar in Lakrum gear we been there almost 2 hours untill both of them leave since none of them were able to do their job and suddently 1try with a different cleric and voila we finish that really easy, some people dont even bother to watch a guide to know what to do and harm the others by making them stay hours on instances that should be done in minutes so next time people start being "elitist" so they dont waste time. I disagree with people getting free ultimates on events we will see alot people with gear and no knowledge about the instances that will waste others people time and thats not cool at all. If you have issues finding a group to do instances create your own party , i only started having a PW\Makarma group when i decided to create my own group\ally or else also nobody would take me for anything.

    Never argue with stupid people. They will drag you down to their level, then beat you with experience.

    Edited 5 times, last by Trash ().

  • I disagree - at least partially. Sure, having basic knowledge about the game and its mechanics is important, but in this patch, gear is even more so. I dare say I'm pretty good in PvE with my two main-classes. I actually was in the Top 10 for several dungeons during the start of 5.6 where I was able to get somewhat decent - although not really "competitive" - gear. If I compare myself to other people who are somewhat as good as me at the class I'm playing, I can see the difference gear and certain Deavanion skills make. Just having the correct Deavanion skills enable you to make several million more damage points. If you couple that with the exponential gear treadmill, the relation between Deavanion skills and ultimate gear can easily triple if not quadruple your dps.

    I agree with some people here when they complain about what they call "elitism" however everybody needs to understand that this elitism is not created by players but by devs, yes when they make the 2 endgame instances PW \ Makarma with timer you need some requirements in order to succeed sorry but i prefer be called an elitist and do a run in PW in 15 mins than be there 3hrs because people dont know what to do, dont know how to dps its not fair for me to be there 3hrs being geared knowing what to do for someone that doesnt know anything about it. I went to HT with my alt on the other day we had a cleric and a templar in Lakrum gear we been there almost 2 hours untill both of them leave since none of them were able to do their job and suddently 1try with a different cleric and voila we finish that really easy, some people dont even bother to watch a guide to know what to do and harm the others by making them stay hours on instances that should be done in minutes so next time people start being "elitist" so they dont waste time. I disagree with people getting free ultimates on events we will see alot people with gear and no knowledge about the instances that will waste others people time and thats not cool at all. If you have issues finding a group to do instances create your own party , i only started having a PW\Makarma group when i decided to create my own group\ally or else also nobody would take me for anything.

    You already have your solution: It's gear. The game is dominated by its gear treadmill. Nothing else. Sure, there probably are some weird people who just won't understand stuff, but these have to be a very rare exception since Aions PvE content is just laughable. If I compare the PvE-content in Aion with several other games, Aion-PvE is essentially made for bots.

  • So "elitists" complain that there are people with gear that don't know how to run instances, so they don't waste time with new players, yet they are probably the same "elitists" who sold them gear in the first place to make more wealth.

    Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

  • And also I dont know why "elitists" are against the flower event rewarding with red pve selectable armour box since ppl have to do their instances and even prometun to get the flowers.And even if u are so pro and imba and mlg u will be able to grab something else valuable than pve box,I dont know ,u call ur self elitists and u dont want the rest of ppl to get one of the item they miss,pve is for chill,if u want to tryhard go pvp and post ur wins on fb

  • Outside of the birthday event, I have to say the events have been trash.

    Don't get me wrong, I could not care less if you personally got useful things out of events, I haven't. And frankly I don't care if you get things out of events, because that doesn't help me in any way at all.

    And yes, you SHOULD rank events based upon personal items you get out of them, not based upon what other people get from them.

    We have quite a few people who, thanks to the events are now running in Kaisinel, a lot of people have legendary forms and I'm still in a hybrid ancient form that's not even useful outside of movement speed.

    When will we get an event where even the unluckiest person in the world can get their legendary transformation?

  • I am one of the people that have actually critisized the company and the events PLANNING but i also have been part of the people that have been fortune in past to be lucky based on rewards from events and others havent.THATS part of the event not everyone can be ''happy'',some people will be satisfied some not i dont even remember an event BESIDES the Fight Daeva(gathering points event) that everyone has been happy,i am salty too on some occassions but u are beyond that.Take whatever is given if they improve give them thumbs up,which u actually EVEN for birthday event didn't or if they do bad job ok give them thumbs down BUT u cannot demand an event that can give equal to all,what timeline has shown to us is an event will be separated to p2w and f2p not only balance and sometimes winning one side more but again u cant demand equal rewards and happiness for players.Also to close the fact that some1 get legendary transformation AT least proves that even the slightest chance exist that it drops,cause could have been worst never to be seen,which btw has happened in past events for an item to be so rare that noone has seen it drop.

  • These forums exist to criticize GameForge.

    Without excessive criticism they do absolutely no action, and with excessive criticism they take minor actions.

    As has been proven with the LUNA weekly instance nerf.

    My word stands, the events are NOT as good as lucky players make them out to be.

    The events MUST be criticized by the unlucky players, or else nothing will ever, ever change.

  • then dont ask for daevanion skills since u get them on the instance too :)

    if you are talking to me then omegalul when did I ask that? pls read carefully

    So "elitists" complain that there are people with gear that don't know how to run instances, so they don't waste time with new players, yet they are probably the same "elitists" who sold them gear in the first place to make more wealth.

    Actually I haven't seen any drop seller in asmo deyla so idk what you are talking about lols As for me and some of the friends I know we share drops and exchange to whoever needs them from group to group so yea how about people actually start doing shit instead of crying and accusing people. You talked like you know everyone and what they do smh

  • So "elitists" complain that there are people with gear that don't know how to run instances, so they don't waste time with new players, yet they are probably the same "elitists" who sold them gear in the first place to make more wealth.

    Actually I haven't seen any drop seller in asmo deyla so idk what you are talking about lols As for me and some of the friends I know we share drops and exchange to whoever needs them from group to group so yea how about people actually start doing shit instead of crying and accusing people. You talked like you know everyone and what they do smh

    On peak hours there is like an ultimate item sale every 5-10 minutes in lfg chat. Your experience is not the only one in this game. lolz

    Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

  • then dont ask for daevanion skills since u get them on the instance too :)

    if you are talking to me then omegalul when did I ask that? pls read carefully

    Ppl are asking for just 1 selectable box with red gear and u are like : go do the instance,so in the same way ,why people are asking for daeva skill box since u can drop it EASIER ????

    Because those daeva skill boxes they may ask can't be traded but currently the ultimate pve gear can be sold for lots of GP. So it's profitable for the ones selling them to keep it going.

    Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.