Ap farm

  • You're not supposed to have Abyss 50 gear after a month. Unless, as you said, you trade AP. So the answer is to play normally: do your dailies and weeklies for Radiant tokens and exchange those for relics; attend sieges; farm kinah to buy Arena tickets; attend Dredgion daily and complete at least the 2 daily quests, bonus if you win. I bet you know all this stuff already.

  • actually its possible. Did you see some ppl have 200k ap in rankings? Bug abusing still isnt fixed, and some use it. And I am sure their ap wont be wiped.
    2nd way is more difficult: farm upper forts guards duo-trio (just to be able to def). The best spots are proly near krotan, miren and kysis. Core is too populated.

  • actually its possible. Did you see some ppl have 200k ap in rankings? Bug abusing still isnt fixed, and some use it. And I am sure their ap wont be wiped.
    2nd way is more difficult: farm upper forts guards duo-trio (just to be able to def). The best spots are proly near krotan, miren and kysis. Core is too populated.

    200k AP isnt very much, it isn´t even 5 pieces of level 30 accs. For full level 50 AP gear you would need 3.535.200 AP, that is much.......

    Farming upper fort guards is such a thing because there are tons of other faction players who camp there to wait for guard farmers. You can either go alone there and loose more ap than you gain or you go in a full group there than the ap gain os a joke....

    Actually I just do daily dred (unfortunatly 1 per day only, thx Gameforge), daily Roah/Asteria chamber (unfortunatly 1 per day only, thx Gameforge) and daily kill quest to get 1 crown every 4 days. Unless Gameforge starts reworking the ap gain, you can let loose level 50 ap gear......

  • we are at 750k now.

    on that rank farming guards gives very little and one death ruins the whole day. dredgion is like 5k a day on average. getting roah and asteria (full loot) can add up to a high amount of like 40k but also just be 10k if unlucky. the bad can provide 500 (lower) to 5000 (two major) a day. so i assume those players are just getting fed in dungeons, have alts for daily kill quests and trade some ap here and there. same as it was on na.

  • we are at 750k now.

    on that rank farming guards gives very little and one death ruins the whole day. dredgion is like 5k a day on average. getting roah and asteria (full loot) can add up to a high amount of like 40k but also just be 10k if unlucky. the bad can provide 500 (lower) to 5000 (two major) a day. so i assume those players are just getting fed in dungeons, have alts for daily kill quests and trade some ap here and there. same as it was on na.

    there are also some more ways (pvp abyss daily q, arena, w/e i forgot), but y, it doesnt give essential boost