End game stuff discussion

  • Hi, I've just reached lvl 50 and I'm a bit lost regarding what I should target.


    50 abyss stuff looks great sure, but the required amount of AP sounds impossible to reach no? Do you think it's realistic to farm it or is it better going for lvl 40 or 30 stuff +15?


    Is Fenris/Mirageant the best option here? I am currently using the BE stuff.

    Thanks for your help!

  • Do you think it's realistic to farm it or is it better going for lvl 40 or 30 stuff +15?

    The amount of AP we can gain at the moment is not aligned with how the game and patch works. Back in 1.x retail we had upper forts intances and 3 dredgions per day.

    In Classic they nerfed this heavily to entice people towards buying premium passes with major AP crowns (NA has them). In EU we don't have those p2w crowns (yet). However in NA most people got their AP by killing the massive hoards of bots from the opposite faction, and a lot of (forbidden) AP trading, specially the highest ranks there.

    Wololo likes this.
  • What's the takeaway regarding pvp stuff then ?

    Mostly "deal with it, it is what it is" I guess, this isn't the same game we had in retail, a lot of changes were made towards making higher profits even if it broke the core of the game by heavily nerfing it and making players' experience a pain. Most of us are back here due to nostalgia/memories about the old retail, not because the game is great in its current state.

    Agrel, DragonAlex and dias_speed like this.
  • Seems this hacked version of Aion 1.9 we have is not balanced. It was much easier to progress on the NA version, you don't need the p2w Dredge pays more AP and like was said before, they have upper fort instances. Also, Skill books are a fraction of the price on the NA server.

    If this is meant to mimic Classic 1.9, why can't we do Dredge 3 times a day like 1.9? That would help fix the AP austerity.

    Wololo likes this.
  • PvE:

    Is Fenris/Mirageant the best option here? I am currently using the BE stuff.

    Aim for the free gear in Steel Rake until you replace it with Anuhart gear from Dark Poeta.

    While Fenris/Miragent is a nice set for most classes it requires the full set for the movement speed bonus. It also requires you to expert a profession (easy part) and to noble craft the Hot Heart of Magic. I doubt there are even enough Boiling Balaur Blood Stain to attempt one try on it.


    50 abyss stuff looks great sure, but the required amount of AP sounds impossible to reach no? Do you think it's realistic to farm it or is it better going for lvl 40 or 30 stuff +15?

    Depends a bit on your class. Usually Priests tend to go for the level 40 set due to the magic resist bonus (heresay, I never played one). For other classes I recommend going for the level 30 set first and after upgrade to level 50. Mages can start with the armor because the golden PvP accessories have bad extra stats compared to the Dark Poeta ones. The hat is usually Lakhane's Kerchief from Dredgion, Noble Balaur Lord's Cowl from tailoring or Anuhart Sorcerer Pelage from Dark Poeta.

    I am gaining about 20'000 abyss points a day on level 38 by farming the chambers, killing the rank 2/3 spiritmaster bots in Reshanta, farm in Reshanta and doing repeatables there. The farmspots at Siels and Sulphur are overcrowded. On retail people also used to hunt down Kistenian in Beluslan (for Elyos) and Maximus in Heiron (for Asmodians). Doing either provided a 12 player alliance with 8'000 to 10'000 a kill (each player) in 30 minutes having practically no respawn time.

    Edited once, last by Angel ().

    Epidemic and Philine like this.
  • i mean, it is supposed to take a long time to get 50E gear. It´s possible and you don´t have to 24/7 aion for that. Just do the most important things daily, like dred with all the quests, abyss chambers with it´s quests and the repeatable quests for fortresses/chambers not occupied by your faction. Don´t do too much pvp to not lose too much AP in abyss.

    Personally i think you should start with accessoires(50 abyss), since the steelrake set(weapon and armor) is pretty much good for any endgame content(pve) and solid for early pvp and you can complete your first whole solid set faster this way while increasing your pvp damage(accs).

  • Very few people will complete abyss gear before 2.0 arrives with this insane AP nerf in classic.

    That's what it feels like to me, I rolled a Cleric and it's hard going without AP or kinah, things like skill books, and stigmas are crazy hard to pay for, eg. Splendor of Purification, a normal stigma, sells for close to 3million on the broker, where are you supposed get that. I tried Alchemy selling pots, but they go for barely above cost because everyone is desperate for kinah.

    The price of stuff on the broker is set by the market, yet the price of skill books, soul sickness, armsfusion, crafting, etc are not determined by the markets relative to the amount of kinah per capita. It's a classic example of governmental economic interference distorting markets.

    Like I said before, it's an austerity server compared to how Aion 1.9 was on the NA server.

    I should add some clarification on my own journey.

    I rolled a cleric on Atreia right when it went live, I worked on the Cleric until level 34, but the frequent disconnects and crowding were making it hard to progress. I decided to roll a chanter on the other server which was a much nicer playing experience, however after almost a week of play, I was sick of the chanter, so I went back to the Cleric on Atreia. But I lost a week of progress, already people were at L50 and insisting on L50 groups for instances, and other discrimination like must have full stigmas etc.

    The point being how are new players supposed to perceive this discrimination and inequality when it impairs even people that are barely a week behind? Imaging how it will be when new players are months behind.

    Lucky new accounts on Atreia are still locked.

    Edited 2 times, last by Cyfur ().

    Shira, Wololo and Isba like this.
  • Mostly "deal with it, it is what it is" I guess, this isn't the same game we had in retail, a lot of changes were made towards making higher profits even if it broke the core of the game by heavily nerfing it and making players' experience a pain. Most of us are back here due to nostalgia/memories about the old retail, not because the game is great in its current state.

    Very well said. Most of us are playing to satisfy the nostalgia and probably will not stay for more than 3-4 months. There are other much better online games to play or will be coming out this year. Aion classic is a beautiful game and can be fun for a short amount of time but overall it is very problematic.

    Shira likes this.
  • Very well said. Most of us are playing to satisfy the nostalgia and probably will not stay for more than 3-4 months. There are other much better online games to play or will be coming out this year. Aion classic is a beautiful game and can be fun for a short amount of time but overall it is very problematic.

    Not sure about the nostalgia thing.

    The groups I have been in for Dredge don't seem to know what they are doing, suggesting they are new to it.

  • Very well said. Most of us are playing to satisfy the nostalgia and probably will not stay for more than 3-4 months. There are other much better online games to play or will be coming out this year. Aion classic is a beautiful game and can be fun for a short amount of time but overall it is very problematic.

    Not sure about the nostalgia thing.

    The groups I have been in for Dredge don't seem to know what they are doing, suggesting they are new to it.

    ...or they just didnt did that for like 10 years and forgot.

  • ...or they just didnt did that for like 10 years and forgot.

    I don't think so, because there are also a flood of obviously new player questions in the LFG channel, that any previous Aion player would know the answers to. I am convinced there is a massive amount of new players.

  • Reached level 50, did all quests, have enough kinah, so no need for Siels anymore, which runs out in 70 days or so..

    Longtime goal would be level 50 pvp gear, enough medals around but a huge lack of AP. You need Siels to be active to gain AP and I sure not pay 10 bucks each month just to be allowed to farm a ridiculous amount of AP.

    Game over I would say........ :D

    Shira likes this.
  • Don´t forget there will be events for sure sooner or later for AP. It´s just that Gameforge is taking their time with our classic version(if i remember correct they sayed this) and updates/events will arrive very late.

    So just play regulary the most important stuff, here and there you will have days with more AP gained(besides having luck with chambers). And like mentioned you don´t have to play a lot of hours a day for that.

    in addition when you have better gear and experience you can do chambers 4ppl or duo to get WAY more AP.

  • At this rate it's going to take a year to get 40e.

    I don't have the patience.

    Also, the broker prices on things like alchemy potions are going down and down, which suggests a deflating economy. The GMs should look into that and figure out where the kinah is going. I suspect that soul sickeness, and skill books are still draining away too much kinah.

    Edited 2 times, last by Cyfur ().

    Isba likes this.
  • On my server prices are slowly going up.Mana pots costed 350kinah each.Now they cost 400kinah each.Same with aethers and scrolls.Aether costed 400kinah each.Now they cost 800 kinah each.There are ways to easly make 2kk each day.Solo or duo Dc,adma,lab,indratu...

  • I´m getting enough kinah daily already by looting all mobs in dred and abyss chambers and farming brusthonin mobs meanwhile/while building a group^^

    AP is something which is slow to gain NOW but as you progress in gear and experience you can do more and more each day by for example being able to duo chambers later. Ofc you can also just farm balaur mobs in balaur occupied fortresses, but that is kinda overfarmed by enemy faction too currently and you have to know a good time to do this.