Posts by udontwantmegedingear

    Kann eig kein Serverproblem, IP Problem oder Internetproblem sein, denn bei mir ging das einloggen auch eine Woche nicht und als ich gestern einfach mal alles gelöscht habe(GF+Aion+Temp Dateien/Ordner+%appdata%/roaming Folder) und dann wieder neu installiert, ging wieder alles wunderbar.

    Es ist immer noch/wieder mal ein GF Client Problem und ein Fehler mit den Daten, die temporär gespeichert werden. Immer, wenn Gameforge dann was an den Servern macht, wird das Problem wieder auftauchen weil sie es einfach nicht gebacken bekommen, den Client zu fixen.

    I wasn´t able to login for over a week or so and i wiped everything GF and Aion related from my computer, deleted all temp files, after that a fresh installation of Gamefail client + Aion and voila i was able to play again.

    Seems like it´s still a client issue combined with the temp files it saves. So whenever they change something with their servers/client, you may not be able to login again xd

    You propably only have to delete your GF client and temp files/folder(and maybe %appdata%/roaming folder), not aion though.

    It´s just sad that no one on support will tell you this since they are propably the worst publisher with people there having no clue what they are doing.

    I average about 3k AP per day, and that has only just gotten me my L50 stigmas. I haven't been able to get a single piece of AP gear yet in 3 weeks since launch. If I go to the abyss to farm anything, I am killed and loose AP within minutes.

    People already sayed that a few times, you aren´t supposed to get any AP gear part in 3 weeks... maybe the first part in 1-2 months. This is no different than original aion. The only way to get AP gear fast is stay 40 farming lower level AP instances buying E40 set.

    You don´t have to stay in abyss much to get AP, just do dreds, AP chambers and maybe raids.

    Also people crying about kinah but rushing all content(dont kill mobs), the problem is not the game, it is you.

    The only thing i can agree to is that manastones are too tare, but besides that the game is not more grindy than the original aion back then.

    There is no reason to rush anyway, E50 Set will be the best for a long time(there will be new sets but more like easier to get and a little weaker than E50) and EU version will take longer to get new patches/updates.

    I play casual myself and AP income isn´t that bad for me(and i don´t even do raids until now). Get better gear and you can duo or 4ppl abyss chambers(there is also way to do the chamber occopied by enemy faction daily) that alone makes a difference. Go daily dred and do ap repeatables in abyss always moving in a group. Don´t move solo in abyss to avoid ap loss. While building groups you can always farm kinah in brusthonin(or the ely map) where no enemy can disturb or kill you.

    While leveling maybe is faster than in the original back then, the rest is pretty much the same. It´s a very long term game and classic will get completely different and new content than the original or live. Like the new class, new unique skills for each class and new dungeons. There will be also patches with content we already know from the past like the enhanced flight which got deleted later again in the original(and for classic we propably keep it this time) but classic goes in a complete different direction than any other aion version.

    As for kinah, like mentioned look for the good brusthonin(oe the elyos equivalent) farm spots on youtube, that together with clearing mobs in abyss chambers, dred, alquimia and optional on all other instances(hard to do though as most people rush shait) it gives you really good kinah even as a casual. You don´t have to buy scrolls for all that, except maybe for pvp in dred. All you have to buy here and there for pve/farming is potions which are relative cheap.

    Aion Live is dead. No reason to start there^^

    Aion Classic, even with it´s flaws, is very populated and a looooooooot better than Aion Live.

    And its not too late to start, we are still in the early phase and most people don´t have OP gear or something like that. The only people who are superior to others are the stay 40s who already have 40 Elite gear(thanks to low level AP instances).

    Against some oppinions you can actually make decent kinah daily. AP gain starts slow but increases with your gear and experience. Like you can do duo ap instances later or know good times for balaur mob farming.

    I´m getting enough kinah daily already by looting all mobs in dred and abyss chambers and farming brusthonin mobs meanwhile/while building a group^^

    AP is something which is slow to gain NOW but as you progress in gear and experience you can do more and more each day by for example being able to duo chambers later. Ofc you can also just farm balaur mobs in balaur occupied fortresses, but that is kinda overfarmed by enemy faction too currently and you have to know a good time to do this.

    Mir geht´s genauso^^ man sieht 90% rush Gruppen für alles weshalb ich mich gar nicht erst mehr bewerbe und mir einfach z. B. Waffen IDs kaufe später.

    Ich meine überall beschwert man sich über Kinah aber keiner macht Farm/Clear Runs. Die Lappen sind doch selbst schuld.

    Rush Runs sind halt ein toxisches Überbleibsel aus der Vergangenheit, aber so existent wie jetzt war es nie.

    Natürlich hängt es auch größtenteils mit dem ID Sell zusammen, aber ich find´s einfach dumm.

    Hier will einfach jeder alles in ein paar Wochen durch haben, obwohl das nie gehen wird. Endgame ist und bleibt immer noch PvP und das Gear dauert...^^

    Don´t forget there will be events for sure sooner or later for AP. It´s just that Gameforge is taking their time with our classic version(if i remember correct they sayed this) and updates/events will arrive very late.

    So just play regulary the most important stuff, here and there you will have days with more AP gained(besides having luck with chambers). And like mentioned you don´t have to play a lot of hours a day for that.

    in addition when you have better gear and experience you can do chambers 4ppl or duo to get WAY more AP.

    Also ich habe nie Seelenkrankheit wegekauft, die teuren Stigmen(bei mir RDG und Wutabsorbtion) erstmal weggelassen und sitze gerade auf 5kk mit Casual Play(nach diversen Ausgaben hier und da). Hab auch eine Stelle gefunden, wo ich jeden Tag mindestens 500k - 1kk mache zusammen mit Kinah Drops aus Dred und AP Chambers, ohne stundenlanges farmen^^

    Wertvolle Loots aus Dred, Chambers, Alquimia usw sind dann nochmal ein nettes Extra.

    Also ohne seltene Drops 500k-1kk pro Tag(1-2 Stunden?) finde ich völlig ausreichend

    i mean, it is supposed to take a long time to get 50E gear. It´s possible and you don´t have to 24/7 aion for that. Just do the most important things daily, like dred with all the quests, abyss chambers with it´s quests and the repeatable quests for fortresses/chambers not occupied by your faction. Don´t do too much pvp to not lose too much AP in abyss.

    Personally i think you should start with accessoires(50 abyss), since the steelrake set(weapon and armor) is pretty much good for any endgame content(pve) and solid for early pvp and you can complete your first whole solid set faster this way while increasing your pvp damage(accs).

    Ne eben genau das ist das Problem der Leute die zu 50 rushen und dann kein Kinah haben. Wenn du von Anfang an viele blaue Quests mit Kinah mitnimmst hast du mit den Skill-Büchern später keine Probleme. Das Kinah der blauen Quests wird auch immer mehr je nach Level. Und wie gesagt, wer Seelenkrankheit ständig weggkauft der ist selbst schuld, das ist wie immer wieder mit dem Kopf gegen eine Mauer rennen, obwohl es jedes Mal wehtut und nichts bringt.

    Sicher, nicht genau wie damals weil blaue Quests jetzt wichtiger sind, aber dennoch ist es das klassische Aion mit all seinen Systemen und 1000x besser als 5.0 - 8.x.

    Euer Problem ist ihr wisst dass Seelenkrankheit so viel kostet und kauft es euch trotzdem immer weg. Wie Lysthora schon meinte, Kinah macht man gut mit blauen Quests und diversen Inis und blaue Quests kommen auch immer wieder neue je nach erreichtem Level.

    Lasst also Seelenkrankheit auf Level 10 und wartet einfach mal die 3 Minuten immer ab nachdem ihr gestorben seit.

    Kann das bestätigen, ich rushe nicht zu 50, kaufe mir nie Seelenkrankheit weg und kann mir alles leisten. Klar, für die teuersten Stigmas spart man erstmal ein paar Tage(oder viele Stunden wenn man den ganzen Tag spielt) oder man hat Glück mit Drops in Inis(und dropt selbst teure Stigmen), aber Kinahprobleme habe ich keine. Und ich habe bisher keine seltenen oder teuren Drops gehabt.

    Rusht die Kampagne nicht so extrem und kauft euch Seelenkrankheit nicht weg, easy. Inventarplätze KOMPLETT erweitern ist doch kein must, schon gar nicht in der kurzen Zeit. Drops hatte ich bisher genug, nur eben die wertlosen Stigmen(Pech), aber auch viele Manasteine. Zum Sockeln eures Sets? Nach so kurzer Zeit? Farmt doch erstmal vernünftiges Gear(was auch erstmal ein paar Monate dauert) dafür, lol.

    Ist wieder typisch EU, wollen alles auf einmal in kurzer Zeit^^

    Do blue quests, they give kinah. Randomly farming mobs never was worth it imo, except balaur mobs in abyss or for example in some areas in beluslan.

    Not saying the droprates in general are as good as back then but you can actually get good kinah if you just change your playstyle a little.

    Atleast our version is not made for getting everything at the same time by just leveling/progress in story, you always have to decide if you do campaign for a while for exp only or a series of blue quests for kinah only.

    Do we have that already? I thought it´s 2.0 content^^

    we have a bastard version, it's not aion vanilla, it's a different version.

    but yes, we have it.

    Actually mostly it´s great and a 1000 times better game than Aion 6.0+, but it has some flaws it hadn´t back then. A lot of small things, like content feels a little harder and slower, design mistakes like the 3 temples for keys(fire temple prequest) is for group but you only can enter solo in your own ID(hard to finish this way for some people) or all the 4-5 min NPC respawn quests only counting solo when MASSES need it. Sure, some throwbacks here and there but overall i enjoy it.

    And i never thought THAT MUCH people would play it still after the first days.

    Anyone remember where to get the quest to upgrade blue kromede weapon to gold? Someone told me that this is possible but i cant remember that quest in the original aion.

    after doing your first (or second) kromede trial/nightmare, there is a quest in front of the entrance of the instance

    Do we have that already? I thought it´s 2.0 content^^

    Nvm, i saw Squalls classic eu stream and we have it already.

    You can make kinah with white and green loots already through auction house and those are not really rare. Up to level 50 blue quests are the best way for kinah(even after that until you completed most). After that there will be a lot of other ways to make kinah and the kinah drops from OW monsters never were among them.

    Repeatable quests, balaur mats farming, craft mats farming, reselling, ID sell, selling endgame white and green loots to NPC(for example dark poeta), selling named bosses OW drops in auction house(you see a lot of those in chat already), etc. Those are the real ways to make kinah. Biggest kinah you propably get for selling extendable weapons(IDs).

    The only thing i can agree to is that manastone are still too rare. But we have to see if there are any repeatable quests for getting tradable manastone in endgame, this will change everything actually.

    Wie schaut es denn zwecks Exp aus?

    Muss man alle Normal Quests mitmachen oder reicht es, die Kampange zu machen?

    Ich finde die Exp der normalen Quest scheinen sich kaum zu lohnen.

    Mit Siels Aura muss man eigentlich keine blauen Quests machen, aber wer immer gut Kinah haben will von Beginn an der kann einfach alle machen und kann sich Zeug schon sehr früh leisten(und am besten nie Seelenkrankheit wegkaufen, ist einfach zu teuer).

    Ich ohne Siels Aura bis gestern, musste aber zwdurch viele blaue Quests machen, auch weil ich diverse berüchtigte(:3) Kampagnen Quests erstmal ignorieren musste. Level 16 und 24 waren glaube ich richtig schlimm. Danach ist´s eigentlich easy life.

    Actually it´s pretty normal for me, and i used no siels aura until yesterday evening. Every MMORPG has these problems in it´s first days and GF wasn´t really slow here. I mean, no one closes servers or limits them by only a few oppinions or reports, you have to monitor things for a specific time first.

    The overcrowded quests only counting for 1 i just ignored and did other things to exp. Especially with siels aura this isn´t a problem, without i only had a problem at level 16 where i had to do a lot of blue quests instead and around level 24 i think. Just taking longer but it´s not a race, it´s a long term game anyway.

    The que is coming with every fresh start of an MMORPG, nothing new here.

    As you sayed this problem is already very old, it started to happen at the beginning of the original aion already and at some time to me aswell. From my experience and what i have readed back then it´s a problem with the aion servers having issues connecting to some routes from your provider or your connection or something like that. This will usually fix itself sooner or later and i think it may be an aftereffect of the DDoS attack the aion servers had.

    Sometimes i fixed it with a router reboot but mostly it happens due to some server/ISP/provider problems which can occur from both sides, the aion servers or your provider and in this case you can just wait or contact your provider. It´s more or less like disruption providers have in some areas, lasting sometimes a day, sometimes a few days.