Posts by Gesufal

    Just a question, if I have 2 wise dragon weapon (e.g: aoe and hp buff) from the HQ (two accounts), is it possible to use the hp buff, switch with the aoe one and use it after the 15 sec cd ? Do they share the same cd ?

    im guessing they share cd

    I'm guessing too but I would like to be sure before selling my second skin ^^

    Just a question, if I have 2 wise dragon weapon (e.g: aoe and hp buff) from the HQ (two accounts), is it possible to use the hp buff, switch with the aoe one and use it after the 15 sec cd ? Do they share the same cd ?

    Hi, it seems that the weapon gave in the last HQ has a bug.

    I have the blessing one from the event in december and the spell has 5 mins cooldown.

    However, the one gave in the HQ has 4 mins cooldown.

    Galeas any info ?

    I am wondering if some of you have discovered any "advanced moves" with painter (like slide shot, animation cancellation or whatever...) ?

    Btw, are you weaving or not ? We fall short of skills quickly.

    Does anyone know what changed for Work Destruction ? Looks like the damages are reduced in PvP but I'm not 100% sure.

    The band nerf is really huge, especially in PvE...

    Bonjour à tous,

    J'ai repris le jeu début 7.0 et j'ai jamais autant joué à un MMO tout seul. Ca existe encore les groupes qui font ruhnato le soir ? Ca se passe en fl ou alors y'en a juste plus un seul ? ...