Posts by Lemonzz

    why is loot in instances nerfed?loot in taloc and lut is terrible.I dont see any drop buff items in shop.There is no reason for loot to be nerfed.Fix this shit

    its just retarded. I would like to grind if the kinah cap was actually higher and drops better ... but why farming for 2 hours if you cant get shit. At this point people need to rely on random drops that have a high value (pacification weapons for example or att 5 manastones) but these doesnt really seem to drop ... normally I just get trash parry stones, white stuff, mp stones, other junk that sells for basically nothing.

    If I really wanna do the fun stuff in the game (Dred, Tiarkh, PvP, even BT etc.) that basically burns through my potions, scrolls, candies, powershards etc, then I either need to buy from the official gf shop for real money and sell the stuff in the AH or I need to rely on illegal RMT for fast cash. Its just so exhausting at this point because I really like the game but the economy is just so inflated that everything is really expensive for a normal player (that still might pay for a battle pass and the sub -- 40 Euros a month). Why the f**k should I grind 5 hours for something worth like 3kk kinah if I can just pay 3-5 Euros to get even more kinah. Grinding in this game is literally not worth it at this point. It should feel rewarding to grind ... man I want to grind for hours and think to myself: "that was worth it" ... but not in this game!

    Indeed ... I could do stuff like sell runs on my chanter for example ... but thats unthrilling and utterly boring. Oh my god, why should I stick to these bandaids. I just want to gain kinah through normal questing, grinding and instance-playing with my main character ... thats it. Is this too much to ask for?

    no, its not. the current kinah cap is at 1.5kk. you are just wrong :)

    Einen Gear-Gap zwischen den Servern gibt es nicht. Naja, möglicherweise sind auf Atreia mehr Spieler unterwegs, die high-end Abyss-Gear haben, weil sich hier die großen Legionen mit den hardcore Spielern tummeln.

    Wenn man rerollt ist man Frischfleisch für die gegearten Spieler, weil man ja ohne gear anfängt. Und mit Steelrake/ Anuhart Gear ist es immer noch sehr schwer, gegen Spieler mit full 40e / 50e Abyss Gear + Tahabata Waffe zu gewinnen ^^

    Es wird sich auf dem "guten" Server gegenseitig dumm und dämlich gezergt und man kann kaum seiner täglichen Routine nachgehen, ohne dass einem eine Zyste wächst.

    Wie gesagt, der Server ist so schon kaum spielbar, weil das Gezerge und Gecampe grauenvoll ist.

    Also wenn du nicht tatsächlich schizo bist wie erwähnt, dann wirst du dein Reumgeheule, wie schlecht alles auf Atreia ist, wohl selbst erkennen. Also gemäß deiner eigenen (Un)Logik: reroll oder selber schuld. Falls du doch schizo bist, dann viel Spass euch noch.

    Aber ich gestehe dir wie erwünscht zu, dass du rumheulst. Bitte sehr.

    Als wenn rerollen (an diesem Punkt) so einfach wäre ... an der Stelle würden viele Leute eher quitten, als 3 1/2 Monate Fortschritt in die Tonne zu werfen, nur um dann auf Tahabata Frischfleisch für die gut gegearten Spieler zu sein ...

    Man stelle sich vor, man startet jetzt mit 2.0 auf Tahabata und in 4 Monaten kommt der Merge mit 2.4 bzw. 2.5 ... dann hat man richtig viel geschafft :D. Auch wenn jetzt mit 2.0 wieder neue Spieler dazukommen bzw. inaktive Spieler ein bisschen spielen wird der Servermerge mittel- oder längerfristig kommen.

    Die Leute, die auf Tahabata spielen, müssen sich einfach vorerst mit der Situation abfinden. Der Merge wird kommen...

    Also ich würde lieber auf Tahabata als auf Atreia spielen ... das Gezerge ist jetzt schon kaum auszuhalten. Solo PvP ist nahezu unmöglich ... und das wird mit 2.0 nicht besser. Ich gehe mal davon aus, dass einige Spieler zurückkommen werden und auch einige erst mit 2.0 anfangen, denn das ist meiner Meinung nach der rundum bessere Patch. Tahabata wird dann (von der Spielerzahl) für ein paar Wochen/ Monate wieder totally fine sein.

    Es gibt natürlich genug Spieler die kaufen Kinah von den Kinahverkäufern, oder sind Botnutzer, da kann man als normaler Spieler natürlich nicht mithalten, die haben natürlich dieses Problem nicht (Diese Spieler würden sogar bei Mensch ärger dich nicht schummeln! :tea: ).

    Also man muss sich nicht einmal Kinah von Kinahverkäufern kaufen oder selbst Botnutzer sein, um viel auf der hohen Kante zu haben. Bezahl ein bisschen mehr im normalen, offiziellen Aion Shop von GF und du bist auch reich. Candies, Pets, Name- und Genderchange, Kostüme usw. kann man direkt von GF kaufen und im AH verkaufen. Ich hab vor einer Woche jemanden gesehen, der hat Candies/ Bonbons im Wert von 200kk in einem Privatshop verkauft...

    the game is just buggy ... I got stuck so many times already that I cant even count it. I also had this fall bug pretty often where you teleport back all of a sudden or the enemy falls down the cliff (in one arena) and suddenly he is back on top.

    He (Desperation) is right though. For many 50s its just: login, do DP, Dred, Arena, Asteria/Roah and logout. I did around 50-60 DP (35S runs) runs on my Chanter and its not fun anymore because its really unrewarding when it comes to weapons. I only saw 4 Tahabata Weapons. Most people craft them anyway.

    Desperation ... Maybe you should create a second character, get some variation into your gameplay or just wait for 2.0. This patch has not that much content. 2.0 will be way better.

    well if you analyze the logs it will be obvious. but this takes time and dedication. and GF wont do that in every case, just in a special situation.

    you ever heard from weapon switch? if your enemy is trying to run away you switch to extend because you cant hit him with a non extend. thats why most melee classes should have a good non extend and a good extend.

    There are unwritten rules ... and they are called "norms". And every written rule is based on norms.

    Dude... if every player would roll on every item then Aion would die out instantly. Every mmorpg with group-drop system would die out instantly if most people didnt stick to these unwritten rules. And if people want to rant, then let them rant. Especially in Aion Classic where they actively pay money for a service. And if the service is bad then ppl. have every right to rant.

    Bet your sweet bippy that if sbd. ninjas my taha staff that I get after 50+ runs of DP I will rant the shit out of him and out of GF if they wont do anything about it.

    Dragon ... he is not trolling. He is on our side. What he means is that they need to increase the daily cap so that you can sell more stuff at the vendor. Just then it will make sense to increase the drop rate. Basically they need to increase droprate AND! vendor cap.

    This is my summary of the things that are basically wrong with Aion EU Classic:

    Problems in this patch are really bad ... to get rid of soul sickness costs a fortune, really low drop rate in OW except white/ green loot, bad loot in solo dungeons like Steel Rake and Nightmare, wrong drop/ loot table on calydons (maybe other monster too), vendor prices are huge af (for example weapon fusion) etc. etc. ... everything to move the playerbase to pay2win.

    Ah ... I forgot the daily fkn vendor cap, which is really low. Also the skill book prices ... I farm calydons for 3 hours a day for a week or two just to be able to buy a few skill books, potions and scrolls and my basic stigmas.

    And yes ... there is a direct way to pay 2 win in this game ... buy shop items, sell them in the Auction House and buy Dungeon Loot, Manastones and enchantment stones directly. Meanwhile the poor plebs (that still pay for a subscription and a battle pass) need to farm monsters with a freaking wrong loot table.

    Seems like most people didnt realize yet that this is a pay 2 win dumpster. I really like Aion, I really like the patch overall ... but this is the dagger that will kill the game (if it stays like that).

    Problems in this patch are really bad ... to get rid of soul sickness costs a fortune, really low drop rate in OW except white/ green loot, bad loot in solo dungeons like Steel Rake and Nightmare, wrong drop/ loot table on calydons (maybe other monster too), vendor prices are huge af (for example weapon fusion) etc. etc. ... everything to move the playerbase to pay2win.

    Ah ... I forgot the daily fkn vendor cap, which is really low. Also the skill book prices ... I farm calydons for 3 hours a day for a week or two just to be able to buy a few skill books, potions and scrolls and my basic stigmas.

    And yes ... there is a direct way to pay 2 win in this game ... buy shop items, sell them in the Auction House and buy Dungeon Loot, Manastones and enchantment stones directly. Meanwhile the poor plebs (that still pay for a subscription and a battle pass) need to farm monsters with a freaking wrong loot table.

    Seems like most people didnt realize yet that this is a pay 2 win dumpster. I really like Aion, I really like the patch overall ... but this is the dagger that will kill the game (if it stays like that).

    Galeas My friend have bug final quest of 9 lvl "Acention" he need fast help guys some one answer his ticket. "Shinigami" this is the name

    this will take long ... expect it to take at least a few days until your friend gets an answer. its faster for him to lvl a new character.

    I love how ppl nowadays think they are entitled of claim any information they want as they were the boss around.

    Usually the ones that wanna know useless infos like: capacity of server or why we don't have free aura until certain level. They are the ones who use cheating software, why would u wanna know the capacity? To know how many bots u can make without being spotted. Why free aura? To level up bots faster and to use again farming software with bots.

    capacity of server is no useless info ... if the capacity is around 20k and I sit in a 10k queue that is not going forward, then I know there are around 30k people that wanna play. If the capacity is around 5k and I sit in a 2k queue that is not moving forward, then I know there are around 7k people that want to play. I am really interested in that kind of information (and no, I dont use cheating software)...