Server down during the evening for 2 hours during dredge, then up for a few hours and just after midnight down again. Then for the coming 4 hours totally unplayable, lags, constant disconnects which never were fixed.
More than 6 hours of being basically unplayable at peak time.
Server down during siege, up again shortly after and ever since then constant DC's still ongoing.
Classic has faced these same issues every single weekend since launch.
Back when GF took over Aion from NCSoft is was the same (often censored) discussions/complaints about the lack of staff & proper DDOS protection, its just really sad to return to the game and see nothing has changed at all.
No other MMO faces this amount of downtime at peak hours and its not even a major title.
The reactions in LFG and Discord speak for themselves, the way this game is being run is plain and simply sad & disgusting with seemingly zero care for whether the game survives or not - which it wont if it goes on like this.
PLEASE finally after all these years start investing in some serious protection if you wish for this game to survive like many of us do, there is only so much people will take before starting to leave.