Posts by Shiemy

    Then Gameforge should allow People like me, in case they Launch Classic on Steam in Future to LINK ONE TIME like the Retail Aion did with the new Launcher Update OR stop the Steam retail like Metin 2, or make a statement and say 100% NO to Steam instead of always just telling "no news at the moment..."
    retail was going slow down when Steam launched (5.X) Patch, so yeah, ofc not many new player.
    But Classic is playable, for EU playerbase you can say "good filled" Server. ALSO with 3.0 we get a second new class, a new leading Story since 2.7 with also an new class, maybe merging the Servers together and opening a new Server like even Aion Japan did, there would be a wave of new players for sure.

    At least Gameforge should try, even if they remove it after a while, lol...
    And the 1 time 100 Dollar to put it on Steam is a Joke, they earn enough via Siels / Battlepass
    Also some ppl. now would say "but the 30% cut from sales via Steam, yeah true, but the "Old" or from the start player now Play & Paid over 400+ days until today, also GF (sadly for what reason idk) not let GF Launcher player Link the game to Steam if you play from GF, so the playerbase before steam are still the Same amount of player who pay from the normal Launcher without the cut. (NO Money lost)
    The Otherhand, the "New" Player then could maybe pay are forced via Steam because since there is no shop website anymore, what aslo mean no VPN or Cheating with cheaper coins from other lands & the big plus, some ppl. have Money on Steam Wallet, since you cannot pay out steam wallet, some ppl. have a good amount of Cash there and maybe decide to pay Siels or whatever.
    So in Math, -100 One time / + Same amount like now / + some new Steam 30% Payments, so only around 15 ppl. need to buy Siels, to get the 100 back.
    And for sure even i would pay the 100 myself, because i finally can start playing then.

    Where is the "mistake" for the wait over 1 year after launch to just release it?
    That GF not release it from start make sense to get a solid playerbase, but now?
    No Steam = Same as now, With Steam = 30% Cut sure, but the New Player who would Play and Pay via Steam will not come without Steam Release... So NO Actually Loss...

    in my eyes, it is a win/win chance for both, GF/Steam & Player.

    Sure i not mentioned yet the Steam Stats Doompost, but let them talk lol. Every one who really cares and look into the game see that there are more than the Steam Numbers.
    The only real reason i guess or see is, that steam reviews will mostly about **** Bots. (Easy Solve this if you Put a GM / QA 1 Month in Capital City, hiding & Banning Bots.) Then the Reviews will not be that bad, but only because affraid of some reviews not to launch it would be curios.

    Also we have 2024, who really care about Reviews, instead of take a look yourself / looking Streams?

    Sorry for that Shit wall of text, but i finally need answers, or atleast want to give gameforge maybe a reason just to try it out. Drestam  Grimnir  Celes  Daveius  Fossilo  pepper  Sparx and maybe some of the Aion Team, you Lose nothing, same old playerbase, with a chance of new player who are willing to pay like me, because we like Aion.


    Hello, as title already said, i want to ask the status for the Steam Release of Aion Classic.
    I mean Gameforge already have Aion MMO on Steam also include merged GF Launcher, so why it take so long to release it to Steam?

    Account nur noch gegen Personalausweiß bzw. Nachweis generell.
    Klar kann man das auch Faken ABER wesentlich schwerer als aktuell :D

    Wird mal Zeit das bischen China nach Deutschland kommt xD Gewisse Teile deren Systems sind schon einfach Cleverer als bei uns...

    Is there still no ETA when Steam Migration is Fixed? Drestam  Celes
    Or maybe you can somehow made it that you can Bind it later to steam after instead of "you won't be able to use that specific account with STEAM anymore."?

    Will tHe Steam Migration fixed until Release of Classic?

    Many ppl. Cant Play because of this sadly.

    Sure the majority of old Player will Play via GF Launcher, but some ppl. And many new Player only use Steam.

    Why Gameforge dont fix this Problem Like this:

    You can Simply Link your Gameforge Account to Steam after the Problem is fixed.

    Instead of the state as now where you wont be able to bind it if u use GF Launcher...

    Maybe Galeas can Tell more about it.

    Shiemy - always care the "stable" word. If a driver has not the "stable" word - dont update and stay with Ur present :)

    Where can i find the Stable list? xD if i look in Nvidia site and check the box with zertificated it shows also all the new ones xD

    I now took Driver booster and Changed there the Settings to Stable over New and it loaded me the Driver number 472.47 and atm i see no problems :D hope so^^

    Es ist auch nur bei Gameforge so, also mit Aion Amerika oder in Aion Japan habe ich das nicht ... Komisch.

    Ebenfalls ist das nur auf der Elyos Base so. Auf mein Asmo in Gelk ist alles fine.

    Stören tut es dem Spiel zum glück nicht. Sieht nur scheiße aus für mich selbst xD aber muss ich wohl weiter Fehlersuchen.

    Ja das Video ist kacke i know :D werd später nochmal eins normal machen ohne Handy ^^

    Folgende Frage:

    Kennt jemand dieses Problem: und kann mir sagen wie ich das Flackern der NPC weg bekomme? Ich Spiele in FHD auf max. Settings. aber ob ich es nun Low Mid Max mache es bleibt einfach da ...

    vllt. kennt ja jemand das Problem und weiß einen fix ^^

    Es hängen doch sowieso alle in Gelk / Inggi rum xD Sehe bis auf Bots in Sanctum kaum jemanden :D nur bei Heldenquest xD

    Aber stimmt schon, sieht halt aus als würde man Nachlassen ^^'

    Immerhin steht der Kirschbaum da :D

    Letzes mal hatte man noch Täglich ne Truhe und Sanduhr zum Plussen for Free bekommen und jetzt Reines Cash event ... geil ^^

    Wieso werden Events Schlechter wen sie mal "Gut" da waren?

    Gottseidank hab ich Alle Wichtigen Skills UP aber für Neue / Rückkehrer absoluter Schlag in die Fresse xD

    Gab es zu den Live Action Trailer (

    nicht auch mal die anderen Sprachen? Also Deutsch / Spanisch / Französisch etc.?

    Würde das gerne auf Deutsch nochmal finden. Vllt. hats ja wer im TV aufgenommen oder so ^^.

    Naja, irgendwie ergibt sich deine Frage doch von Selbst wen man die Event News schaut.

    Bot Event = Mehr Mobs zum Botten

    Fertig ist die Antwort.