Aion Drawing
Another work
V3 added
I'm having fun for experiencing photoshop :P.
Miragent v5.1
I hope it's last time I worked on it xD
Merry Christmas everyone
Amazing, I like the second post most (V3). Face shape and lips/eyes came out best in that one imo
Shouldn't listen to my friend that face was too short now it's too long
I can't fix it but enlarge the eyes it's not better this work took me 9 hours to finished
I don't have a clue what I'll draw next lol
I think I draw each costume pretty accurated
Updated add miragent V4 Christmas version
Updated v5 thank you
Add V5.1 add some hair shadow
Gothic V3
Elyos version
Asmo version
Thank you
I'm not asmo fan but since I can do asmo in single click so why not :p+
Uploaded wrong this time correct :p
Added asmo version of gothic.
Updated add v3 version
LoL uploaded wrong files
Hmm I wonder if I should clean up my drawing and make wallpaper out of it ? :o
Lastest work alice v1.2 please like comment my works ty
Updated v1.2 alice
would you mind, if I scribbled over your piece to show you, were you need to fix it a tad? (And yes, this avatar I use is a drawing I did, so I kinda know what I'm doing)
Heyho Hairbrush,
as you can see I've redrawn your Alice completely. You noticed how things don't perfectly add up. This is due to a lack of proportions.
Compared to the face your body misses the correct proportions.
A hand is almost as big as the whole face. I've also changed the pose a bit, using the pose as your legs were suggesting.
If you want any further explanations or tutorials, drop me a line. I'll help where I can.
Btw I'm using CSP (ClipStudio Paint) since a few years, so I'm not too fit with PS. Before CSP I was mainly using PaintToolSAI
Link to "Alice reloaded" -
Ah you're god
Well I draw without a training in art
I stopped drawing couple days ago and found out I've lost drawing skill no matter what I do it won't come back.Is this normal ? I don't have a drawing tablet can I do digital drawing ?
and what I should do to get my drawing skill back ? D: now the harder I tried the worse became of my works.
Nah, drawing is pretty much something you can get back "easily" - you can still draw your lineart on paper, scan it and color it on the comp - I did that for many years until I decided to get myself a graphic tablet - at first I thought I've lost all abilities to draw lol - I was behind it and kept drawing and drawing until I figured why I sucked so hard - it got better - though far from perfect. I can help you with the basics, understanding the physiology is especially important in drawing humans, most mistakes happen since we're rather blind (trust me, I was too)
The only thing you can do is stay strong, keep drawing - maybe some of the tips others have for you may help you and well, as I've said before, I have a few tutorials out there already so it's no big deal. Always glad to help a fellow artist -
Yeah but right now I'm taking a break I was drawing like mad and my face keep getting sad and sadder as many times I drawing them
I was drawing 1 week non stop and suddenly it's like my skill has been taken away D:
Someone suggested I should go play games I'll keep do something else until my drawing mood back I guess it's no good to keep doing it when everything goes against me
I know the problems I was trying to fix them but it never got it right it took more than 10 hours for each drawing it driving me crazy I was trying to improve long hair(as I try to copy it from game) I figured out I should draw as multiple bangs and divide into small bangs I can't draw 2 eyes identical there're so many problems.
I worked 10 hours for each work and no one really comment ._. I feel was like wasted.
I don't know if people don't comment my works here because my Aion political opinions D: or the works are just so bad.
Then I had to stopped drawing because I don't have time to take care of myself when I restarted the skill just gone ._.
That's my story xD,thanks for listening.
Well, I know that all too well, if you can't get anywhere, you deffo need a break - I don't think it has anything with you or the quality of your work that people don't comment on it - I barely get any feedbacks
though that's not restricted to this place - most of the time people who want to bash you are reacting and these folks are not needed anywhere - if you feel up to it - drop me a line - whenever it fits you, kay? I don't mind at all