You are supposed to be self sufficient enought by just playing. And if you want to make extra you could farm, craft ect.
Who decides that?
If you have played the game for a long time like me (since 2011) You know what route NCsoft took with the game. And playing the game was always rewarding in grinding.
Selling Esoterrence is essentially giving up progress in terms of AP for kinah.
No it's not. Your alts contribute nothing to your main character's power.
You can make alts. That still suppreses THAT specific characters progress. Going to an instance is designed to reward players for completing it. In Esoterrence case you gain AP relics. The only way to make money now is to swll your reward for kinah from other players. That is not normal or intended from game creators. Back in the day people used to kill the entire instance for loot instead of selling the relics.
Playing the game for hours should give you progress nevertheless.
It does, in the form of 1.5mil Kinah every week.
1.5 mil kinah is not progress for a week. 1.5 mill kinah barly gets you scrolls ect for a few days. Progress is + gear and or manastones in the gear.
It is really counterproductive how bots/droprates are managed by Gameforge atm.
Gameforge doesn't manage drop rates at all. They're not developing the game.
they have intentionally nerfed it. To ”deal with bots”
I fear this really is about to kill the game soon.
Doomsdayposting has been a thing ever since Aion went free to play with 2.7.
Agreed. But this is the first time i have said it. And i’we been playing since 2011. I really feel like if players only get kinah via buying it from gold sellers - we are in a bad bad spot.
If anyone on Gameforge is reading this you should really consider this change.
They are, and admittedly they're paying more attention to the forum than they should.
On the bright side, your feedback will very likely be forwarded.
it will remove the effectiveness bots have from the game.
How so?
Like i have explained earlier.
if players can make a good ”living” from just grinding. Nobody would buy gold from kinahsellers. The marked would balance itself.
For now they have kind of outlawd ways to make kinah. Wich only lead people to goldsellers. If they instead make sure people can farm things for themselfs - way less if nobody would go there. You would farm it urself. The thing is you really can’t as of right now.