Posts by Azuuu

    Yes, i do hava a problem with quoting😅

    Well, these questions are off-topic. But Spiritmasters, godstones, dreds, classes ect are more a question for NCSoft. They make the game, GF only manage it in EU.
    The ”Meta” is alot different there so SM’s for example are underpowered when everybody has top top gear.

    I feel like if GF can make these small differances with droprates, they should.

    Sure, it barly can. Thing is kinah is needed to buy more materials to cock that i can’t get from gathering/morphing. Like balaur meats.

    So at times im left with no materials, no scroll and no kinah.

    A master chef who gathers aether and farma dp for morphing should millions and millions of kinah every day. As of right now i have had less than 1 kk for weeks.
    I tried to farm balaurs for about 1 hour as a test, killed about 200 or more non-elite balaurs. And i got less than 16.000 kinah from gerenal mechant for miscs. A few balaur hears for about 3 k each. And i think is was 2 white stones - accu 12 and evasion 12. Just the usage of a few pots and scrolls puts me behind and makes it completely useless to farm.

    Azuuu unfortunately this forum is useless for any suggestions. Ppl only defend gameforge here and think that things go normal way.
    Back in time world drop was fine, with items and money. Were less bots. Now its opposite. Gameforge didnt adapt to it, but blamed players by nerfing drop for them. And Auxi defend company like that. Nothing to discuss here

    I really hope it’s not useless. I have seen some suggestions here tried. For a period of time thou. This should be a permanent change. And not exclude sertain items like balaur mats and godstones.
    I think Gameforge’s reason behind the low droprate is to keep people buying deava passes. The thing is people would still do so. If there is more incentives to play the game more and longer - like normal droprate with all items - people would still want to edge out with deava pass to keep themselfs ahead. The title alone will keep people buying it.
    Point is - if you keep players interested in the game they will spend money aswell.

    People don’t want to spend money just to get necesseties like scrolls.

    I know that ”selling eso runs” is a thing.
    The game was not intended to work like that.
    You are supposed to be self sufficient enought by just playing. And if you want to make extra you could farm, craft ect.

    Selling Esoterrence is essentially giving up progress in terms of AP for kinah. Playing the game for hours should give you progress nevertheless.

    It is really counterproductive how bots/droprates are managed by Gameforge atm.

    I fear this really is about to kill the game soon.
    And i am not going to give up, this is a suggestion-box on the forum. If anyone on Gameforge is reading this you should really consider this change. It wont make people stop buying Deava pass plus it will remove the effectiveness bots have from the game.

    As of right now -I am totally unable to get kinah. I frequently go pve instances, have master cooking and buy the Deava Pass. BUT- My kianh still stay the same > 3 mill. Lately i'we been farming mobs in open world but the droprate is non-existent. This is not how AION is supposed to be. You are supposed to be self sufficient - a deava pass and or a crafting skill can make you extra money. As of right now i can barly afford scroll with this rate.

    It's not the active players fault bots exist. Lowering droprate and removing kinah, godstones ect from droptable ONLY hurts active paying players.

    There are alot of other ways to get rid of the bots. This is not the right way.

    Reinstate NORMAL droprates and NORMAL kinah gain/Droptable like godstones ect.

    It is NOT funny to know that whatever i do in the game will just decreese kinah and not raise it. Playing the game should make you progress, not the other way around.

    Thank you in advance.


    When Aion Classic was realeased GF put a lower drop rate when looting mobs. This was a very bad move, but i guess they wanted to prevent bots from farming to much. And for active players this was pretty annoying but still, manageble.

    So what was the result of this move? Did the bots stay away?

    No, we still had bots but paying regular players had a hard time with SS, getting stigmas ect. BUT, still manageble.

    Now we are in 2.4 and, as many has noticed - Tahabata's population is declining.

    In this patch there are alot of important items that needs to be farmed - like balic items. We use these for leveling craft and in crafting purposes.

    Since the drop rate is nerfed, nobody is farming them and the few that are on broker quickly gets bought. The prices skyrocket and nobody can level craft or even craft these items.

    This is a huge problem and needs to be solved RIGHT NOW. 20% of the game is not accesable.

    Since bots still exist and prices get fixed with supply and demand. Why wont GF just up droprate with a significant amount if no merge in near time?

    And even if we get merge - Why do we still have a bad droprate? Makes no sence.

    PLEASE GAMEFORGE - Fix this now!


    Everyone on Tahabata