i tought it was only me at start and waisted my time reinstalling everything *facepalm*
Posts by Replay33
ye true, but we get difrent messeges, thats why its curious
thank you
There was an ingame survey about sieges and preferred days and times. I guess people voted for these days and times.
No Kleuren, there was a survey before 8.0 where ppl voted to remove saturday siege,and it got removed because of that survey but once 8.0 came the siege time changed again because i guess thats how it is in korea, i am asking if we can have tha survey again . Also siege on thursday witch forces u to do nothing mostly for 3h cause u need to be on difrent siege every hour.
Hi , before 8.0 there was a survey where everyone voted and we were able to have a day off on weekend from sieges.
Now with 8.0 that sistem is back and again we have to be on every saturday/sunday. I think i don't speack only for my self when i say that we the ppl witch have work doring the weekend or family need a day off on the weekend to do something difrent then gameing. The sistem we had before 8.0 was fine, bring it back. Thank you
Livo could u add aion translator on the meter?
gunner killed my full geard full buffed glad in 2 sec,i didnt even know what hit me.So aither some gunners "eat there spinach" or it's definitely you!
About pve i can't say , there is only 1 gunner i'v seen to do shit loads of dmg in pve, but yea difrence is huge compared to others or other classes and i know some people play well there class but i guess this guy is like Neo ... "there can be only one!"
2 Bugs i noticed lately
1- Sometimes my character is unable to go back in normal mode from combat mode and when that happens i cant click anything, if i relog it goes back to normal
2- Beasts in Viscum Swamp quest from Gelkmaros fort (Vorgaltem Citadel) can not be completed because "Deformed Mudthorns" mobs do not count for quest when you kill them
they should atleast keep the same rates from previous events, + i don't see rates after +12....is it 5%?
don't forget fix percentage chance from 30% to 40%
True,percentage is lower then the last event, if i'm not mistaken rates were 35% last event, what is this? Sincer when is the world going backwords..... this percentige feels like a scam to me....
Livo can your work on the compatibility with Exitlag a little more ? I am useing Exitlag and with the options recomended by you. I like your meter but it's barely working, almoust every time i have to relog or go to instance server to get it to start cause it rarely starts when i log in. Ofc i read and i open in before starting the game , and i installed every program i found here
Can you show me your Exitlag settings? Try on default settings. Set UDP Routes to 0. Recude TCP Routes to max 2 (best would be 1). Disable Realtime optimization. Install newest Npcap version 0.9991.
i did all that
Livo can your work on the compatibility with Exitlag a little more ? I am useing Exitlag and with the options recomended by you. I like your meter but it's barely working, almoust every time i have to relog or go to instance server to get it to start cause it rarely starts when i log in. Ofc i read and i open in before starting the game , and i installed every program i found here
Hi. I would like to see old Fenris set skin in webshop for remodel. I for one would buy 3 if there was.
From what i heard on the test server we are not getting the version with the last skill balance . Btw good job and ty for the info
Can you show me your Exitlag settings? My first guess is that you have set UDP Routes. Please set it for 0. You can also test it without Exitlag first, to make sure that it's problem with this specific VPN connection.
well i guess it has something to do with exitlag ,because it worked when i closed it and went with "default" port . I did have UDP Routes but i closed them and selected only TCP routes and it's not working again, and in the end i had to use recomended settings
with 2 TCP routes and it worked, but wont that diminish the use of exitlag? :-?
Livo i down MyAion but when i start it , it dousn't show anything on the UI
i did start it before starting Aion client and it shows the green light with the EU flag and everything
ps : i am useing exitlag , and i did select it in "port"
Yeah , also happening to me, i get teleported w/o reason from katalam when i enter, and i did enter in the morning when few ppl are on so it must be a bug with the nr of players that can enter and the autokick.
Question , anyone got to 20 Hearty Recipe? I can do 18 .. 19 at best, no way i can do 20... i remember they said everyone will be able to get 20 repice,and i did like most of the instances and quests but idk how to reach 20