Galeas any news on classic? free money for gameforge
Posts by Hasden
still nothing, back next week.
i would give you a wall of text to read but since you fanboying much, all i will tell you its not logistics problems, if you ever had to setup physical servers or aws/azure ones you would know.
Also we will see the model implemented by gf when it drops. if anything i hope you are right
Nc already gave the license to gf. the reason they taking so long is because they changing the model to p2w instead of p2p system.
if you guys are having so many technical problems, sell me the license to host aion classic and i pay gameforge a fee. That way you guys get money and Classic is in good hands. win/win.
this is taking forever, put the server names with the old ones aka (anuhart the best) and hurry up , i wanna play 2 ;/
Galeas enlight me why is that the only solution and not the 20/60 as i proposed?xd
Galeas even tho you are correct in saying we get more in the end , we both know that what people wanted are the big tier rewards, and now we are forced to do the initial stage again. I think since it was gf in "fault" you could just start on wednesday with everyone at 20/60, and give everyone the rewards they worked for. I think that would be more fair.
cant u guys just give the 20/20 rewards and we start from there next week?Xd
Galeas tell the aion team, Hasden wants to farm the event but only if the [Rune] Chocorunerk's Exquisite Gift Pack gives all the rewards in there and not a random one. thanks have a good day
when he was there, there wasn´t this mess xd
Galeas best thing you can do it come back to eu community discord where you can talk with experienced players about the game. Closeness with the players is the key for a greater game experience
i think the event is great,i farmed it since day 1 like a mad dog. Thank you Gameforge.
Every Event is always so rewarding for me.
My deepest appreciation for the all team