Posts by Gravi

    I know, that's why I'm hoping someone will forward this thread to the higher-ups and that they will listen to their community before it's too late.

    Are you new in this game? This didn´t happen for 12 years and will never happen, because no one cares. Do you really think the strategy of Gameforge is to forward problems to higher-ups to sole them when for the last 12 years their instant excuse for any problem was that NC-Soft is responsible and not them? Come on.....

    Like I wrote : "I'm not crazy tough, I'm not expecting much but at least, I will have tried for the game I once loved."

    You can guess my level of expectations though.

    Oh if you think it's bad now, just wait for 2.5 where they remove all open-world drops, that's when NA finally died, it will be even worse here where our droprates are even lower.

    I know, that's why I'm hoping someone will forward this thread to the higher-ups and that they will listen to their community before it's too late. I'm not crazy tough, I'm not expecting much but at least, I will have tried for the game I once loved.

    So 2.4 came out 2 weeks ago and none of the issues previously talked about on the forum have been fixed or are on their way to be fixed.

    - No Balic Mats (You will see tons of hearts but the rest will rarely/never show up). You can collect the mats at broker for insane prices which make leveling anything other than Alchemy / Cooking a kinah nightmare. Crafting balic weapons / armors is impossible in a legitimate way. Back in the day, under NCsoft, there was a gladiator who was full eternal balic from head to toe minus the accessories.

    - Open World Loot : From High to Low, Low to Zero ! You will drop a few things in the first leveling map, drop a bit in Brusthonin / Theobomos and then you will find yourself with close to nothing in Inggison / Gelkmaros. I played under Ncsoft in 2.X back in the day and getting nothing, not a single white or green items was impossible unless you really had no DPS, even then...

    - Manastones which are needed by everyone are really expensive since they barely drop.

    - Some heavily needed stigma like Bestial Fury and especially Sage's Wisdom cost a lot of kinah due to the rarity of them.

    - Loot in instances are a joke : Close to 60 runs with premade in BT HM : 2 weapons, 2 wings, 3 shields (I feel we got lucky there); 1 weapon (Dagger) on Flarestorm. Usually 1 eternal per run up to 2 if lucky. 3 if we are blessed by heaven. Also, since the new event on wednesday, not a single eternal drop out of 4 run... we only saw the wings for the second time. Trying to loot the Bakarma spear for my gladie end up being a chore since it's still not dropping despire doing all 5 runs from weeks to weeks.

    - Event sucks. These kinds of events would have been great in 1.X version but now, we need way more than whatever you are offering with those. Double loot should put a priority on weapons in every instance.

    - Bots : You knows, we knows, everyone knows. This is going to be a hot take for some, but without them, game would be done already.

    - Make the game feel alive !

    In addition, unless I'm mistaking, we only saw one community letter since the launch of the game about the upcoming updates but no one from Gameforge talked about the current issues we have been facing for months now.


    Can you please put the dye in the shop ? Having to try out our luck once per season for either a black, white or red dye is so annoying especially when you need multiple of one of the said dye.

    Thank you! C:

    Threads like this one are accumulating on the forum and so far we got nothing about what will be done about this. Will the "real" 2.4 that might drop next month or in november have all some of these issues fixed or is this game going into the ground ?

    Expecting gameforge to listen to players, how very cute.

    No worries, I lost hope ages ago. I wasn't going to play Aion again until friend told me he came back. I should've listened to myself...

    Threads like this one are accumulating on the forum and so far we got nothing about what will be done about this. Will the "real" 2.4 that might drop next month or in november have all some of these issues fixed or is this game going into the ground ?

    Like Desperation, doing the 7 allocated BTHM per week with my premade and so far, no weapons or wings in 20+ runs. From the top of my head, 3 Runs didn't have an eternal. It's cool to get the gear but the weapon being close to non existant freaking sucks. It's not like we can craft the Drenium/Balic weapons since either the plans or mats are unavailable despise the number of bots farming for all of us lazy people who should farm 10 hours a day to reach the 2kk daily limit... /S

    Manastone prices are going to the moon, Plans are close to non existant, Balic Mats drop once every full moon and once you hit Ingisson / Gelkmaros, white & blue world loot drop will make you feel like you just found gold

    All these problems and more have been the same for weeks and so far, nothing has been done.

    Double loot or whatever is coming tomorrow. "Lets try to ease the tension" - GF

    Gameforge, please apply the NA rates and avoid the 2.5 or 2.7 mess that caused the game to be on life support. The game is good but beside those who buy from bots, you won't have any fair player left at some point unless they are crazy or knows the timer of named monsters since they loot at least.

    The questions we are all asking is "will Gameforge listen to their players or will they let it slide" ?

    Also, Firm Balaur Horn, Lustrous Balaur Meat etc are almost non existant. Whether it's Chantra DD or BTHM, we always get the new heart to buy the level 60 balic plans but if we can't get the rest of the mats to craft something, what even is the point ?


    These can be played at different times:

    • Sub-quest 1: active from Wednesday 9 AM to Saturday 11:59 AM.
    • Sub-quest 2: active from Saturday 12 PM to Wednesday 8:59 AM.

    Gravi not really anything confusing about this. do the 1/2 until Saturday 11:59. THEN do 2/2 and you cannot do 1/2 anymore

    Wanted to be sure. Thank you !

    Can anyone please confirm we have to do 1/2 for every quests until this satursday and then aim for 2/2 after satursday ? this part is really confusing.

    Wanted to rush everything as quickly as I could :(

    thank you in advance !

    Galeas Any good event coming up this week or the next one that might "fix" the issues players have been asking for months now without having to go minus on the credit card ?

    If you are going to minus or overextended because of a game you might have other problems than the game itself?

    I'm saying this because the events lately are mainly attached to the shop to get something "usefull" from them. Aion isn't my main hobby so I don't spend money on it, I'm into TCG which cost way more than Aion unless you are aiming for those shops items with 0,1% chance. I just want the same things everyone are asking if that's not too much to ask.

    Just in case, I wasn't attacking Galeas directly by saying that, I know that he is the one giving us informations (I thank him for that) and not the one behind the wheel.
    Just wish GF would do something to get people to still play the game and make newcomers feel welcome so the game would feel "alive" again. Last played in 4.X and the game went deep down the rabbit hole in my opinion, still enjoy it but that's not the same.