So 2.4 came out 2 weeks ago and none of the issues previously talked about on the forum have been fixed or are on their way to be fixed.
- No Balic Mats (You will see tons of hearts but the rest will rarely/never show up). You can collect the mats at broker for insane prices which make leveling anything other than Alchemy / Cooking a kinah nightmare. Crafting balic weapons / armors is impossible in a legitimate way. Back in the day, under NCsoft, there was a gladiator who was full eternal balic from head to toe minus the accessories.
- Open World Loot : From High to Low, Low to Zero ! You will drop a few things in the first leveling map, drop a bit in Brusthonin / Theobomos and then you will find yourself with close to nothing in Inggison / Gelkmaros. I played under Ncsoft in 2.X back in the day and getting nothing, not a single white or green items was impossible unless you really had no DPS, even then...
- Manastones which are needed by everyone are really expensive since they barely drop.
- Some heavily needed stigma like Bestial Fury and especially Sage's Wisdom cost a lot of kinah due to the rarity of them.
- Loot in instances are a joke : Close to 60 runs with premade in BT HM : 2 weapons, 2 wings, 3 shields (I feel we got lucky there); 1 weapon (Dagger) on Flarestorm. Usually 1 eternal per run up to 2 if lucky. 3 if we are blessed by heaven. Also, since the new event on wednesday, not a single eternal drop out of 4 run... we only saw the wings for the second time. Trying to loot the Bakarma spear for my gladie end up being a chore since it's still not dropping despire doing all 5 runs from weeks to weeks.
- Event sucks. These kinds of events would have been great in 1.X version but now, we need way more than whatever you are offering with those. Double loot should put a priority on weapons in every instance.
- Bots : You knows, we knows, everyone knows. This is going to be a hot take for some, but without them, game would be done already.
- Make the game feel alive !
In addition, unless I'm mistaking, we only saw one community letter since the launch of the game about the upcoming updates but no one from Gameforge talked about the current issues we have been facing for months now.