Posts by Leiiya


    i hate to be doing this.
    But since this dead ass medium called forum seems to get more attention from GF employees than crowded discord, let's try.

    Classic is running out of resources.

    Even if people would consider using their CC's to get shit done, there's nothing they could invest in.

    I took these broker screens with the most needed Manastones on 09/12/24 and it's hilarious.
    The amount of stones available at the broker won't even be enough to socket 2 ABG/Cavalier parts. For ONE Player.

    We've got no sources to get proper needed amounts of mana and enchantments stones.
    Everything is untradable, unextractable... rates from extractable gear got nerfed so hard that you don't even need to hope to get some good green stones out of pacification stuff. Don't even wanna mention extracting SW gear... White stones are your best friend here ...

    Daeva pass -> 10 chests lvl 81-95 ench ( most of the players don't need anything below 93 anymore), 4 chests with 91-100 those 14 stones are barely enough, with enough luck to enchant 1 eternal armor piece to +10.

    10 Manastones ... "60%" socketing rate ... if you're lucky you can socket 1 armor piece with that, but since the socketing rates in classic are shit, don't even dream about ...

    People would be willing to farm, but there are no places to do so with actual needed resources.
    AB Droprate is barely existing. Tons of screens from people that killed around 200 up to 7000 mobs in AB and didn't get anything useful.

    It's starting to become unbearable. Drestam  Celes You guys have to do something about it, better now than tomorrow. Use your Ingame Survey function to get proper numbers of this situation. Ask the actual playing community how bad the situation really is. We all know, latest since the Wildcard survey, that you can use that tool in that way. As Community managers please start listening to your actual community. Not only some "content creators", there are way more people you should start listening to.

    Even if you'd release monthly TRADABLE Manastone + Enchantmentstone ( lvl 90 up to 110/115) passes rotating every 2 weeks it would be way more helpful than adding imaginary "droprate" into AB.

    Please start listening and change something ASAP ...



    Ist das eigentlich so gewollt, dass kein neuer Daeva Pass gestartet ist?

    Wann kann man denn mit einem neuen Pass rechnen?

    Ja ist es.
    Nächste Woche wenn die anderen 2 Pässe durch sind.

    Ich hab überlegt tatsächlich auf diese verblendete WoT einzugehen, aber die Zeit spar ich mir dann doch lieber. :blink:

    Viel Spaß weiterhin in deinem Microcosmos.

    Wünsche nen angenehmen Abend. :dash:

    Quote from Leiiya

    Weil man ja lieber an veralteten Medien hängt um sich dann drüber aufregen zu können, dass man keine Infos bekommt, welche einfach auf den aktuellen Kanälen jederzeit zur Verfügung stehen. :3

    Interessant du scheinst ein Problem erkannt zu haben. Grimnir wieso bekommen wir keine Informationen oder veraltete Informationen im Forum? Warum wird das Discord bevorzugt?

    Weil das Forum ein veraltetes Medium ist. ;)
    Im Discord können Infos bei weitem schneller vebreitet werden und auch, bei Bedarf, direkt diskutiert.
    Bug/Probleme können auch direkt gemeldet werden, ohne erst über den Support zu gehen, sofern sie Major sind. (Siehe Glory Ticket Problematik)
    Vielleich solltest du, statt permanent zu jammern, dass ihr im Forum nichts mitkriegt, endlich mal deinen Arsch in die Neuzeit schwingen und Discord nutzen. ;)
    Tut auch gar nicht weh, das verstehen auch ... Leute... wie du. :D
    Ich bin dir natürlich gern behilflich und stelle dir den Link zur Verfügung der dich aus deiner Höhle holen kann. - herunterladen, installieren ->

    Server beitreten:

    Problem solved.

    Quote from al1900

    DC könnte man es auch sehen

    Ich nutze kein Discord, sondern das Aion Forum.

    Weil man ja lieber an veralteten Medien hängt um sich dann drüber aufregen zu können, dass man keine Infos bekommt, welche einfach auf den aktuellen Kanälen jederzeit zur Verfügung stehen. :3

    Who cares about an event where they've only added those material into instances?
    Mobs in BT that shouldn't be able to drop balic mats drop them now, but REAL BALAUR in the Openworld still don't.

    It's just bullshit and still not enough to craft stuff properly.

    Ppl still can't actively farm those materials, it's just pure luck to win the roll in an instance, IF something drops. Droprates outside from bosses are still bad.

    Why is the Kumiho costume from last week already gone from shop???

    cause they remove every barely good stuff after 1 week.

    they don't care what the community is asking for to get in the shop. ^^

    Sooo much stuff they could earn their € with... easily, without p2w factor

    Mal so ne dumme Frage neben bei. Wird es ab 2.4 die Feuerproben PvPvE Ausrüstungen geben?

    Abgesehen von, den schon existierenden goldenen Tac Ausrüstungsteilen, wird es keinerlei weiteres Gear durch Feuerprobe/Arena geben.
    Weder Eternal PvE noch PvP. Weder mit 2.4 noch 2.5, 2.7, 2.8.

    Quote from Lord Syrio

    My bad again... Slipped through my fingers but now its fixed ^^

    Take this as an opportunity to learn some words of another language :*

    Und hier will sich jemand beliebt machen? :/ Auch dafür hätte ich gerne Übersetzung Lord Syrio

    Wie kann man sich, als jemand der ein internationales MMORPG spielt, im Jahre 2023, eigentlich so dermaßen wie ne Prinzessin anstellen wenn es um die Englische Sprache geht. Das ist ja einfach nur noch peinlich das jedes Mal aufs Neue zu lesen. :dash:

    Seltsamerweise müssen einige Spieler Geld haben, wie sonst könnten sie sich die BT-Teile leisten?

    Vermutung: Cashen mit Hilfe des Shops oder die verbotene Quelle...

    Geheimtip - craften. Hatte man früh genug bestimmte Rezepte, hat man genug cash. Ganz ohne hirnrissige Unterstellungen.
    Klar, bei manchen ist es so hard auffällig, dass nichts anderes als rmt in Frage kommt.
    Trifft jedoch nicht auf jeden zu. ^^

    Can we expect any changes to drop rate especially manastones in particular? There are no attack and magic resistance stones available or the only ones that are cost millions. Would appreciate the answer as i want to know if it's worth to continue playing or not.

    has it been changed in Korea? If not, you got your answer.

    The questions we are all asking is "will Gameforge listen to their players or will they let it slide" ?

    Also, Firm Balaur Horn, Lustrous Balaur Meat etc are almost non existant. Whether it's Chantra DD or BTHM, we always get the new heart to buy the level 60 balic plans but if we can't get the rest of the mats to craft something, what even is the point ?

    Ye, we've dropped not even 10 balaur mats in total since patch start.
    Not talking about hearts.
    Scale,Skin,Blood,Flesh... Balic Crafts are impossible.

    I gotta agree, the droprates are hilarious.

    Let's see 2.0 came out 3 weeks ago.

    So it's 42 Udas ID's (in total) and 21 Besh ID's.
    (and yes, i've done them all)

    We've dropped ->
    Udas: 2 gold Necklaces, 2 gold caster earrings, 1 gold melee Earring, No gold Rings, no eternal rings, no eternal earrings, no eternal belt, no gold mres Headpiece, 6 gold debil weapons.

    Besh: Eternal - 1 staff, 1 plate chest, 1 plate boots, 1 leather gloves, 1 leather chest, 2 cloth shoulders (ye sure, let's barely get eternal but stuff that's already dropped twice), 2 cloth pants (again..), 1 cloth gloves, 1 chain boots. Gold - In total maybe like 8-10 pieces. 1x Wings.

    KKM - all possible ID's, no Gold Weapon
    Eso - all possible ID's, no gold armor/weapon

    Most of the runs were completely empty. The rewarding factor to do this shit all over again every week is just missing.
    But hey, we get Miol-Food for a miol that doesn't even exist!

    Why couldn't we keep it like Poeta and get Manastone Bundles in every Boss? The possibilitys to get lvl 60 manastones are almost not existant. Ppl keep socketing lvl 50 stones and i could imagine that a lot of ppl still run Poeta just to get a decent amount of Manastones to barely socket their gear with this absolutely awesome socketingrates...

    Das ist mal wieder abslout lächerlich xD nicht mal 10 min vor wartung auf twitter?! posten, 4 min vor wartung im forum und 3 min vorher im Discord.
    Es gehen gerade tonnenweise Besh ID's flöten... von Eso und KKM, welche ja eh nur weekly sind, mal ganz zu schweigen...

    After the first successful Upper Abyssraid in 2.0, i gotta say i'm a bit confused.

    We've done the Krotan, Kysis, Miren Instance .... is it intended that the loottable is rigged Celes ?!

    The instances were added for current patch and content, why do they still drop like the lvl 50 version of it?

    We've dropped Hot Balaur Heart (lvl50), hot balaur bloodstain (lvl40), Balaur Bluescale (lvl 50), dagger of the reaper (lvl 40) and a few other cash items and stigmas between lvl 40 and 47.
    It's kinda hilarious to farm lvl 53+ Balaur with that loottable.

    The chests at the end with ap items still drop lvl 50 blue flame resistance armor and GOLD AND SILVER MEDALS!?!?!? Seriously?!
    We need Azure Gold Medals in this patch, not Medals for old gear.

    The new lvl 55 Balaur Material Droprate is already extremely low and the sources are limited.

    Now theres a new possible source with lvl 50+ balaur and they're not even able to drop new stuff, that's hilarious.

    Not to mention that Stormwing has lvl 50 gold (elder stuff) in it's loottable, which i think shouldn't be the case either.
    The loottable should include pacification items.

    What am i missing here? I know for sure that the loottable on retail wasn't that scuffed in 2.0.... :dash:

    Ty for your Feedback Celes .

    It's totally fine to watch out for <50 and +50 Players, though the majority should be 50+, it would have been pretty easy to do so if you've just added Both Dreds to the task and maybe the silentera entry to the rift task. Instead of "kill Tahabata in an Poeta S-Rank" it could have been "Kill Boss X or Y or Z".

    So that there wouldn't be 2 Tasks that are completely undoable for the 50+ players, that's just unfair.

    520 points in total so a bit above 5 level of the daeva Pass that Players above lvl 50 can't achieve.

    Players below lvl 45 can use the Novice pass, so that's another benefit for players below lvl 51.

    + one of the event pass weeklys, that's focused on Gelk, is undoable for players above lvl 50.

    Doesn't seem thought out well to me. :/ Sorry.