so it shouldn't be posted in patch notes....
Posts by Rainox
Gladiator Skills:
Armour of Vengeance - it's 20s absorb 1000HP -> should be 7.5 20s absorb 1500HP
Earthquake Wave (improved) it's 1653 dmg 1:03 CD -> should be 1900dmg 40s (or 30s dont rememeber corrct number
are not the same as in patch notes 7.5
Skills are form 7.3
pls FIX IT, check it or respond to this...
yes !!! THX for event i was working hard on alts to gather stones, now 11X +15 stigma Thanks
No Lunaris Weapon tomorrow....bit disappointed
next time search some info about promo how did it work in other regions maybe than you won't be
new MOTION pack in SHOP PLS !!!!!!
remember it's long therm goal made by GF, so imagine how many ppl have Kaisinel ???? IT was long therm goal (from 6.0....) now do the math with stigmas....
and YES we need safe spot +12 if not perma, just for some event time
as long as wallet warriors will keep playing, they will be fine - even if they would have like 1k players on all servers, I know ppl who spend like 1+k euro every time Aion coins bonus appears (not mentioning when GF put "super RNG Kasinel/Marchutan) boxes in shop, cuz than even 5k euro + is on table, and lets say you have 50ppl like this donateing regulary on all servers (which is very low amount i think it's few times more)- thats even more than they need, so there is no point for changing RNG/ shop model of this game, and simply it won't happen
and also events are planned many times before so you can cry and complain - it won't change anything the stigma will happen when they want, not we, I know thats sad and frustrating but our voice here is like shadow for them you know its with you always but you simply don't care
I guess we will get some vent when 7.5 hits
and ski motion
yes + 1 Aura
it applies only to auto attack, and - since it's mostly efficient only above attack speed capp, there is no reason for pole, also when i am bursting someone it takes like 2-3 sec (with draining sword which is nearly no anim)so there is no space for waving there, maybe in some PVE situation you can do weave between some skills - but its personal
Polearm has more attack but is slower, GS is faster but does a little less damage. I use GS because I can do more weaving.
what are you talking about ?????? the attack is the same, you are confusing player here, only physical attack counts not WEAPON attack like it used to be, the only difrence is 0.5m range (on non extend), also weaving is usless have info from > 6.5 patch - > outdated
1. Aim for GS - same attack as Pole but it has a bit faster attack speed
2. I would go for dumaha GS + blood mark GS as a starter, when 7.5 hit decide Silent/Genesis weapon
If you have pvp stones make silent black GS ( i personaly use 2 of them fused, remmeber to roll proper stat in second weapon)
PVP Event for what ??? To give pvp tryhards who capms 24/7 with 10 clerics on their back another title..... great idea...even if you are geared player you wont get ahead of this ppl
I participated In event got kinah boxes from it, bought stones from broker and you call it exploit ??? I think you should read a bit what exploit in game is or gather some info, because same as your "exploit" name for my action, I can say that White is Black and for sure it is because i say so...
Guys pls stop saying that it's only for p2w if you come unprepared everytime when there is "promo" like this, than YES you cant do anything...
I personaly searched info about it like 1 month+ before it came to EU gathered 200 stones (had kinah from Event kinah box - NON p2w event) crafted 3 times and got the weapon ( maybe was lucky i know, but atleast I had a chance to obtain it because i searched for this)
so stop raging move your *** and search info and prepare your self for some's possible but you need to be active player. If you log in game few times per week, don't expect you will get exclusive items just for logging and crying....
there won't be any help with sun event, cuz it's the same way as on other regions, and it's sad i know but this is not event for everyone to complete....if they wanted the event to be completed by everyone they would give weapon for free...but this is chain event, and it's mainly just not about the weapons itslef
yes, they will be another parts of book to obtain and assemble with this you can get now
Galeas which weapons need craft to get additional skill after evets( prorobaly 3) will ends proced or nonproced?
And second question do skill stack with wise dragons, so with swaping weapons we can use both skills or they re-write them? ty
You need proc weapon for quest, and yes they share cd with wise dragon
but: if you make quest and get 10% hp every 2s skill regen for 10s you dont need wise dragon anymore....
did 2 tries to craft it , it was fail won't bother anymore with it
edit: i tried the race it seems updated , doesn't have reward box at the end so im guessing it wasn't planned to be ondid 3 tries = 2 proc RNG
and no info whatsoever
imho there should be an emergency maintenance yesterday to bring those fragments back
Galeas, what you guys doing back there..
Counting Euros cuz of new super rng stigma +12 box
Aion is becoming more and more unfriendly and hard to play, our progress is ultra low compared to Korea all ENDGAME items are RNG dependent, in 6.0 start GF was talking about Ultimate Transformation as LONG THERM GOAL, ok it's nearly 2 years since 6.0 and how many players got Ultimate Transformation in no p2w mode ???? 5% ????? So after 2 years 5% of ppl got what they call long therm......and what about all others ????
What does long therm goal means in GF language ??? 10 years of farm ???? This is Pathetic all that is happening now is pushing players away but as long as RNG boxes are sold (I know ppl who bought like 40 rng Marchutan boxes last time) and lets say we had 50 ppl like that which is not a high number - now do the math with money...