Fragments Apostols + Davea Pass

  • Hello Everyone.

    Again I want to thank GF to give us access to the VR rewards and bonuses we had.

    Please keep up your work.

    Now can you please focus on ingame improvements like the last event (Winter Garden) were we had access to get Apostol Fragements we can not get ingame over NPC. Thats actually a good improvement. Can you please make more events like this so we can get the necessary fragments to make our legendary Apostols ? Thanks in advance.

    With regards of the DAVEA PASS. Its a big issue for the Elyos fraction. Its impossible for us to reach lvl 45. I am reaching only lvl 40 the most and thats doing all dailes, all weeklies and the 4 seasonal i can achive. Its impossble for me to reach lvl 45 in the Davea Pass. For Asmo fraction its not a problem, they do EVERY DAY !!! between 8 - 9 the Agent in Aspharanta and as they are sooooo many more the PVP quests (seasonal) is also not an issue for them.

    GF Please try to make some changes that Elyos can again reach lvl 45 in the DAEVA PASS.

    THANK YOU !!!!