Posts by Auxi

    You are supposed to be self sufficient enought by just playing. And if you want to make extra you could farm, craft ect.

    Who decides that?

    Selling Esoterrence is essentially giving up progress in terms of AP for kinah.

    No it's not. Your alts contribute nothing to your main character's power.

    Playing the game for hours should give you progress nevertheless.

    It does, in the form of 1.5mil Kinah every week.

    It is really counterproductive how bots/droprates are managed by Gameforge atm.

    Gameforge doesn't manage drop rates at all. They're not developing the game.

    I fear this really is about to kill the game soon.

    Doomsdayposting has been a thing ever since Aion went free to play with 2.7.

    If anyone on Gameforge is reading this you should really consider this change.

    They are, and admittedly they're paying more attention to the forum than they should.

    On the bright side, your feedback will very likely be forwarded.

    it will remove the effectiveness bots have from the game.

    How so?

    Make a character on Atreia.

    You're literally 3 clicks away.

    Nothing is stopping you.

    I already did but its kinda sad to lose the progress

    I can respect that and I understand that aswell.

    But you're in something that's called the Sunk Cost Fallacy.

    You have invested too much to quit, basically.

    It's also called the Gambler's fallacy.

    It's important that you know that Gameforge right now views the Tahabata population as healthy, thriving and doesn't see any need to merge servers.

    So instead of waiting years for a merge, it's maybe best to cut your losses and not wait for them.

    Considering that the future of Aion Classic are cross-server maps and other cross-server content, not even Korea planned to merge anything.

    It's really best to not expect anything and move on. In a year you will be even deeper in, and you'd be suffering much more.

    Pull that tooth. It's gonna be painful, yes, but in 2 years time you will look back and be glad that you did it.


    this behavior is intended by NCSoft and it got changed with 2.5. Just "important" quest will be shown.

    ~ Sparx ~

    Even quests like "An unexpected reward", that give you a juicy free row for your inventory, are being hidden.

    I would consider that to be an important quest.

    Das "offizielle Statement", um das du bittest, wurde schon sehr häufig abgegeben.

    Es heißt, man habe das Problem auf dem Schirm und man kümmere sich um langfristige Lösungen.

    Es ist ein Vertrösten, aber das ist, was wir aktuell haben.

    Was die Spieler, und damit vermutlich auch du, möchten, ist kein offizielles Statement, sondern sie wollen, dass Gameforge ihnen sagt, was sie hören wollen.

    Mit allem anderen sind sie unzufrieden.

    Rein neutral betrachtet ist das vermutlich auch die einzig vernünftige Reaktion.

    Aion-Spieler sind eine Gruppe, die man als nicht zufrieden zu stellen bezeichnen kann. Es ist schlichtweg unmöglich, etwas zu sagen oder zu tun, was die Masse besänftigen könnte. Es wird immer etwas zu nörgeln geben, und sobald das eine Problem gelöst ist, weicht man auf ein anderes aus und macht dann großen Wind darum.

    So war es schon immer, und so wird es auch immer mit der "Aion Family" bleiben.

    In diesem Sinne kannst du nur versuchen, das zu tun, was in deiner eigenen Macht liegt. Drück bis Inggison durch, da ist das Spiel deutlich spielbarer.

    Bots plagen fast ausschließlich die Nicht-Endgame-Gebiete.

    Philine, what's your main reason(s) to hide gear? I never really understood what was the main reason for "hide detail" option. To somehow prevent preparing for pvp arena against same faction? If people obey the rules, what's wrong about their gear being visible? What drastic change would we see if hiding gear feature was completely disabled?

    those are all excuses for insecurities.

    everyone knows this, but nobody wants to say it out loud.

    I agree with you, but the problem lies not in the community or in the tools the community provides such as the DPS meter, but in the design of the game itself.

    I'm afraid that nothing we can do will fix that.

    Better ask why it comes so early. With the constant updates and new gear this version feels like a race and it gets tiring to keep up. A lot of people in my legion feel the same and would like some rest and some time to catch up with their gearing. Some are getting burned out as the treadmill is running too fast for them.

    That's a valid point but the race stops when we are closer to Korea.

    Right now we need a faster update pace so we can get to the cool stuff much sooner.

    I can understand that you want the time to gear up before the next content hits and invalidates your gear but in this case it's more of a mindset thing - you don't have to treat the game like a race. We're on a patch where skill matters (unless you're a ranger), so you can make up for a good chunk of gear by simply playing well and learning your class.

    It also all depends on the standards you set for yourself. If you wanna be the best of the best top 0.1% then you will have to treat the game like a race, yes.

    But in reality the game is filled with many different players who treat the game in different ways. Some can't participate in every siege, some can't even do dailies every day.

    There will always be plenty of players for you to fight even if you feel like you're "behind the curve". The nature of MMOs puts you in a spot where there is always someone equal to you, someone below you, and someone above you.

    You worry too much about being competitive, but this mindset is poison for your personal enjoyment.

    Lean back for a moment and just go at your own pace.

    You will not be the best, but the game will be much more fun if you realize that you don't have to be the best.

    Besides, not even Korea has new level 60 Abyss weapons yet, so those will last you for a *very* long time. 60 accessories are a minor upgrade to 55 GBG/ABG.

    The armor, however, is a must due to magic suppression.

    It is literally no different from what it was before MyAion became a thing.

    Back then people would ask you to link your weapon / gear or straight up reject you if you were a "noname".

    Myaion just saves that hassle and makes it impossible for people to lie about their gear.

    Also, if someone isn't geared enough for a specific instance, they would not only do a disservice to themselves but mess up for everyone else in that group.

    Having to meet certain standards for different content is a thing in every mmo that has vertical progression.

    Even "welcoming" MMOs like FFXIV don't let you do dungeons that you don't have the appropriate gear score for.

    It's a completely normal thing.

    1900 isn't even mathematically possible on this patch.

    ~1650 MB is where you cap as a sin if you get full cloth GBG/ABG gear with full MB+27 manastones.

    You're saying this as if it were super easy to get, but we don't have any base magic boost on our weapons whatsoever (unlike warhammers for templars or staves for chanters).

    if you get oneshot by a sin that has 1.6k MB, chances are, with the same amount of investment, any magic class would rip you a new one with equivalent gear with even less effort.

    I know you're talking about him specifically but I'd like to point out that a true assassin-style playstyle is possible and perfectly viable even against plates:

    es ist noch nicht live aber es wurde für die nahe zukunft in einem der preview-videos angesprochen.

    hab die source gerade nicht zur hand deshalb trust me bro

    why are you seething over an overpriced player shop so hard that you have to double post within the same hour lol

    cleric is the most played class in the game.

    sage's wisdom is the most sought-after stigma for the most played class in the game.

    supply and demand. draw your conclusions.