Do not mistake my statement for the fact that I am not very well aware of what this game means. I was in that present time back in 2008+ when some Chinese individuals died of so much grind so I know what the game is all about. And I do not agree at all with botting but the ugly reality says, and let s go down on memory lane since players literally died exhausted of the grind, someone said at one point, we need a program to not die anymore, and there you go aion botting, probably the most famous botting type of all MMORPG appeared, and the reality check said it was a necessity rather a luxury.
Keep in mind the mentality has changed, people are way too much sensitive that was in the back days, understand that player base is infinite lower than in the old days so botting is far more visible in the present, hence the reaction and I would say is quite normal of anyone against botting.
But in the same sentence I will ask you the same thing I ve stated previously, how would be to click on broker NPC and buy whatever flux you need for whatever gear you want with 1 mil kinah because no one has the patience to grind anymore? how about being a bit more logical than sensitive? cause instantly when that will happened everyone will start the logical rage that the game is dead and is ridiculous to have those kinds of prices so here is my statement in its full logic. You need someone or something to give you that flux with 500 kinah not 1 million, because if tomorrow the bots will simply stop to exist in Aion, the trades will be simply dead because you don't have 5 hours a day 7 days a week to farm whatever materials u need or drops right? therefore you pay the price of the luxury to have a program doing that for your rather than spend your entire life on whatever you want to craft.
We are not in 2010 anymore, people don't have that patience anymore, and no one but absolutely no one will spend on a regular base 10 hours to farm 4 mats for their uber-expensive gear. everyone wants now fast fast fast everything so yea, botting in 2023 believe it or not is not worst than it was at the beginning.
and no, I am a PVP player, far from me any kind of botting for a video game.