Wassermelone any idea why this cleric only takes 20k during the AOEs. How does this sum up?
This guy is basically invincible. The boss just gets bullied XD
Wassermelone any idea why this cleric only takes 20k during the AOEs. How does this sum up?
This guy is basically invincible. The boss just gets bullied XD
Wassermelone any idea why this cleric only takes 20k during the AOEs. How does this sum up?
This guy is basically invincible. The boss just gets bullied XD
idk only found the video
Display MoreNo, they don´t have this kind of gear. You can see that aswell on the Dps meter
Survive bombs without it, to have +15 kerub gear? I was with Kerub and i was with my gear now. Even U perfect learned the boss rota, the dps will wipe players without this gear. Die insta from aoe and receive 21000 damage from aoe - there is a difference. Adn +10 extreme gear will protect even better like 2x better ...
Proove me that it is doable, then i will put a like to all kind of posts in this case
This cler is after 8.2 patch or better?
The instance is doable with kerub gear.. But honestly ofc u don't go duo HoA with Kerub gear. Those who did have less stuffs than u said, but they have ofc more than just kerub gear.
The cleric is 8.2 patch yeah, it is HoA Normal Mode, which will be available next patch.
cleric's gear - https://aion.plaync.com/characters/server/1/id/392693/home
+8/9 extreeme gear, +11/9 odians all slots +2, +7/9/11 runes
cleric's gear - https://aion.plaync.com/characters/server/1/id/392693/home
+8/9 extreeme gear, +11/9 odians all slots +2, +7/9/11 runes
Naked 💁💁
cleric's gear - https://aion.plaync.com/characters/server/1/id/392693/home
+8/9 extreeme gear, +11/9 odians all slots +2, +7/9/11 runes
Naked 💁💁
And still there are people who wanna tell us that it´s all about skill only.........
Most people can't handle the in and out phase and gear won't safe you from that one. So skill indeed.
cleric's gear - https://aion.plaync.com/characters/server/1/id/392693/home
+8/9 extreeme gear, +11/9 odians all slots +2, +7/9/11 runes
Naked 💁💁
And still there are people who wanna tell us that it´s all about skill only.........
Nobody said u have to go HOA solo.. Gear always makes things easier, but u still fail if u don't do things correctly.
In and Out are one shot, pizza dmg is mostly dodgeable (considering that sometimes it's buggy and can't see the effect on the ground), if u are bad positioned u ruin whole group with trance. And u need to ress up in correct moment if u die or also help the group with resses too.
Gear helps but don't make u immortal and almost everybody started with kerub gear (except the few ppl with extreme gear since last patch)
Edit Olly : Discussing a moderation case in public
+70%? I smell despair.......
thats an offer they do every year around christmas ? <.<
In my opinion the technical requirements are also a big deal.
Most of us have a ping delay, meaning we must be in position already before the skill hits. Due to this boss being kind of a marathon it is only a matter of time until someone has a crucial delay.
This game sucks when it comes to floor mechanics and this boss does almost nothing else. We should not forget about that.
Even if your overall package is doing its job it is very frusting seeing your mates die all of the time. So I think the heart is too stressful to make worth of extra entries.
But its nice to see that at least some people can make use of this event.
+70%? I smell despair.......
thats an offer they do every year around christmas ? <.<
Funny, I asked in the public chat twice and got both times several answers and asked my complete friendslist and really nobody could remember that we had +70% once before, but ok, when you say that they do that every year, we are all false and you are right of course.......
Funny, I asked in the public chat twice and got both times several answers and asked my complete friendslist and really nobody could remember that we had +70% once before, but ok, when you say that they do that every year, we are all false and you are right of course.......
Last year was a 50% and the year before something similar (45% or 50%)
Display MoreIn my opinion the technical requirements are also a big deal.
Most of us have a ping delay, meaning we must be in position already before the skill hits. Due to this boss being kind of a marathon it is only a matter of time until someone has a crucial delay.
This game sucks when it comes to floor mechanics and this boss does almost nothing else. We should not forget about that.
Even if your overall package is doing its job it is very frusting seeing your mates die all of the time. So I think the heart is too stressful to make worth of extra entries.
But its nice to see that at least some people can make use of this event.
Idk, there is not much delay tbh.. Yeah u have to be in good position before the end of the cast, but i don't think it's a matter of ping. Casted skills always take ur position at around 85/90% of the cast, it's same for everybody.
Knowing the rotation u can move earlier, not a big deal..
U have just to get used to rotation, then it's very simple instance (at least to do as 6, i never tried less ppl).
Display MoreIn my opinion the technical requirements are also a big deal.
Most of us have a ping delay, meaning we must be in position already before the skill hits. Due to this boss being kind of a marathon it is only a matter of time until someone has a crucial delay.
This game sucks when it comes to floor mechanics and this boss does almost nothing else. We should not forget about that.
Even if your overall package is doing its job it is very frusting seeing your mates die all of the time. So I think the heart is too stressful to make worth of extra entries.
But its nice to see that at least some people can make use of this event.
Idk, there is not much delay tbh.. Yeah u have to be in good position before the end of the cast, but i don't think it's a matter of ping. Casted skills always take ur position at around 85/90% of the cast, it's same for everybody.
Knowing the rotation u can move earlier, not a big deal..
U have just to get used to rotation, then it's very simple instance (at least to do as 6, i never tried less ppl).
Indeed, the instance is quite easy once you have learned the pattern... and someone is doing the calls.
If the calls are done a bit before the skills, then it is easy to anticipate the movement (else, if you move at the last moment, it's what i called "aion pseudo real-time", you see your character out of the zone but between your connection and the data travel time, the server doesn't see you were you see yourself)
It's just the first few tries require a bit of time and patience.
*IN & OUT: if U R in "infected" position - when U will fast move, before a boss' skill casted 45% bar - U will not die.
*Trance: if U R geared like this cleric - U will not die probably - it is deffendable by a heal. 1st one i am 100% sure to no die. For this another one (there R 2 types of trance) stronger - i am sure to no die like 65-75%. This another depends on a party build.
*AOE - geared magic cloth: 21 000+ dps, phys cloth: 26 around, chanter: 30+, cleric 24, glad: 38+. I write damage without any active def skills. I write with this +9 to +10 extreme gear - mostly acrimony / presu; if obstinacy all available parts for classes, that can raise Resist Magic 27000+ with an easy mode - i am close to 100% sure for resist it. Maybe i am wrong, but till i will not check or someone from this Forum will not check the conditions - i write that i am sure it. Extreme gear is the best gear in this game - ofc if enchanted minimum +9. UFS is also OP, with rly high defence stats but remember, that extreme have still HP in weapon and small parts, where UFS does not have anymore.
PS: need to point by edit, that many AOE's R true damage. I mean - cannot be resisted / evaded. I am not sure what type of a aoe pizza is.
And your point is what?
PS: need to point by edit, that many AOE's R true damage. I mean - cannot be resisted / evaded. I am not sure what type of a aoe pizza is.
not with evasion/mr, but with a shield or damage reduction it works.
PS: need to point by edit, that many AOE's R true damage. I mean - cannot be resisted / evaded. I am not sure what type of a aoe pizza is.
not with evasion/mr, but with a shield or damage reduction it works.
Yes, this i know. I meant, that aoe damage I will receive with a 100% possibility and resist magic or evasion will not prevent before it. But we have two types of aoe: one is like this recipee - like a true damage (Beritra; in 5.x Ancient Weapon, Alarm Region - Beritra's Invasion boss level 3) and other is, that we can resist / evade (Raging Barkhan) if we have high value of it or skills.
Yes, high value of magic deffence (mostly) + add deffence + shields can reduce the aoe power.
I am curious, i am searching, what kind of aoe is pizza ...
[Boost] 300% XP, 20% Drop and 20%AP - from 31.12.2021 09:00 CET until 03.01.2022 09:00 CET.
The Open world drop will start again on 29.12 until 12.01
So? Am i wrong? Or this and another R two different things? Explain me someone, please?