Selling / trading a total of 10 Bard Stigmas all +9/+10 on Stormwing, Elyos faction. One exception being an Improved (+15) Magic Boost Mode Stigma. I've already payed the 6 Million Abyss Points cost to upgrade the +15 to Improved, in case that bothers you for some reason.
Standard price as follows:
- +9/10 stigma = 4GP or trade for equal level Ranger Stigma.
- Magic Boost Mode +15 / Improved = 25GP or trade for equal level Ranger Stigma.
List of Stigmas:
- <(Improved) Magic Boost Mode> (+15)
- <Disharmony> +9
- <Clearing Melody> +10
- <Healing Mode> +10
- <Melody of Joy> +9
- <Mosky Requiem> +9
- <Healing Variation> +9
- <Melody of Discipline> +9
- <Dance of the Jester> +9
- <March of the Bees> +10
Prices are calculated based on 150kk gold packs and are prone to change and / or negotiable depending on current Gold Pack price on the Broker.
Write a mail to Carbondioxide in-game, send a whisper, or reply here if interested.