^God forbid you answer a yes/no question with yes or no, right?
Worth it to download Aion again
- Stormwing
- Discussion
- Balaur
- mriggy
the players that said no and are not playing the game, i respect ur opinion, but the ones that said no and still play the game should hold there opinion for themselfs because the fact that ur still playing a game witch u do not recomend kinda beats what ur saing from the start. Stop scaring ppl based on your own opionion, other gamers might not feel the same way, also some of us still like the game ,worce as it is and would like a bigger player base, everyone depends on the game's player base even you who just "casually play".So if it's so bad, just quit already or as they say "stop cutting the tree from under your own legs".
Best thing u should say to a new player or someone who wants to try the new patches is.... down the game, get in , try the game for a few weeks and make your own conclusions based on your own ideeas and experiences.
...because the fact that ur still playing a game witch u do not recomend kinda beats what ur saing from the start...
On the first look I will have to agree with that statement.
On the second look you should know yourself that most of the people stayed/are staying still cause of the friends they made here, not cause of the ingame environment.I wouldn't go as far as degrading their opinion since, oh what a suprise, it is aligning with the opinion of people who left the game.
^God forbid you answer a yes/no question with yes or no, right?
Certainly not a non-existing higher being, but rather a) common sense when writing in a forum b) sometimes board rules. Though they're not as explicit here (I'd call it spam/posthunt though, but I'm not responsible for it).
Forums are about discussions - yes/no is at most part of a poll, but it's not worth a discussion. Therefore it doesn't follow the reason for a forum in the first place.
Whoever hates the game as much doesn't have to play, I mean you keep contact to people even if you don't play and others do it like that as well. Certainly the relationship could get worse, but in that case it's usually not AS important.
Criticism is fine of course, if there's a reason provided. It's the same for positive opinions, everything else isn't helpful.
just curious , but all the ppl that said "no" here, are you also active in game ?
or just use forums ?
The knigh in a shiny armor arrived. Can you tell me a single reason of why someone still using the forum in he isn't play the game?
the players that said no and are not playing the game, i respect ur opinion
but the ones that said no and still play the game should hold there opinion for themselfs because the fact that ur still playing a game witch u do not recomend kinda beats what ur saing from the start.
Question was if it's worth to download aion now again. Not if we still playing aion and if we like it or not.
Stop scaring ppl based on your own opionion, other gamers might not feel the same way, also some of us still like the game
You should respect diffrent opinions than yours and don't act like a kid if you don't agree with them.
just curious , but all the ppl that said "no" here, are you also active in game ?
or just use forums ?
The knigh in a shiny armor arrived. Can you tell me a single reason of why someone still using the forum in he isn't play the game?
to hate i guess.... if 1 thing is for sure is that the aion community is hatefull and pretty much full of "spoild brat like behaviour"
the players that said no and are not playing the game, i respect ur opinion
ur quote dousn't have an actual sence.....so w/e
but the ones that said no and still play the game should hold there opinion for themselfs because the fact that ur still playing a game witch u do not recomend kinda beats what ur saing from the start.
Question was if it's worth to download aion now again. Not if we still playing aion and if we like it or not.
Not to down Aion from a bounch of people that play is worce advice ever.
And i'm sorry if you don't see what emplies to tell ppl not to play a game witch u do or some of us enjoy.
Stop scaring ppl based on your own opionion, other gamers might not feel the same way, also some of us still like the game
You should respect diffrent opinions than yours and don't act like a kid if you don't agree with them.
i just said that we shouldnt scare people from joining from the start, let them try it out for themselfs. Since he asked the question , means he has time to waist , if it's waisted
I guess since everyone flames this game... there's gotta some tard that has to defend it, since i like my hobby ... i'd like to keep enjoying my hobby... true game is dieing day by day but it wouldn't be nice if people who still play this dieing game helped ....
I just returned to aion after having a really long break and from my point of view nothing has changed 😅
People are saying that game is dieing if forum but in game u can still do every pve content without waiting hours for group to be full, exept end game pve of course, but that's how it was in the past too, u could never rlly run end game pve with full random
Pvp also the same, u run around doing ur daylis untill some overgeared player comes around the corner and 1 shoots you
People are saying that game is dieing if forum but in game u can still do every pve content without waiting hours for group to be full, exept end game pve of course, but that's how it was in the past too, u could never rlly run end game pve with full random
Pvp also the same, u run around doing ur daylis untill some overgeared player comes around the corner and 1 shoots you
Slightly correction to that statement:
Active number of people playing IS actually dropping steadily while all the above are happening.
No one does PvE anymore since active people should still have plenty of kinah in stock and the endgame items you get from PvE are thrown out like garbage if you check the reward list of the past months/events (with some minor exceptions).
I am actually waiting until they throw out Tier 2 PvP Gear to stomp the effort of PvP people aswell.
No one does PvE anymore since active people should still have plenty of kinah in stock and the endgame items you get from PvE are thrown out like garbage if you check the reward list of the past months/events (with some minor exceptions).
Can't confirm that, as I said, I get a full group for pve rlly very fast, and I'm playing a dd so it's not like I'm a supp and that's the reason why I get fast group 🤔
PS.: I'm not playing a painter 😝
Quote from Triggerhead
No one does PvE anymore since active people should still have plenty of kinah in stock and the endgame items you get from PvE are thrown out like garbage if you check the reward list of the past months/events (with some minor exceptions).
Actually people started to do more pve at endgames and pve activity increased way past pvp activity since 6.0 launched.
Quote from TriggerheadI am actually waiting until they throw out Tier 2 PvP Gear to stomp the effort of PvP people aswell.
I am sorry but... what? Efforts of pvp people? I love pvp personally and I would LOVE to see everyone equally geared. Do you mean "PvP peoples" effort is the whole concept that they gear up and consider it just a victory to get full gear by socketing enchantment stones by being lucky to just show the pvp gear off? Is the pvp gear some kinda trophy thing for you that you can just show it off and not actually put it in use?
Or is the effort that are lucky with enchantment stones and then can kill undergeared players all day long because "effort would go into waste". Why have skills when the gear difference will do all work for you.
If this is considered the "PvP people", I rather call myself a PK, Player killer instead.
I personally wanna fight equally geared players without killing them with 2-4 hits only and actually put the pvp gear into use to do pvp all day. I never imagined that I would read that RNG is considered as effort, but then again I did live in era where efforts were rewarded by hard work and not by luck. -
What PvE are you dreaming about? Makarna? Or Prometun Easy Mode?
You are refering about instances from 4.8 and 6.0., which give out rewards no one is even bothering to use (cause they have it already) or sell and just throw it at the NPC.
Only PvE I see being done is Beninerk Easy Mode, where the rewards are split across 12 people which basically only the accessories are valuable for healing boost for clerics/chanters. Some still need stuff from the first Boss in Prometun Hard Mode, which is done within some weeks if you loot the fragments via account warehouse.Those few 2, 3 groups who can run the second and third Boss are to be considered minor exceptions, same regarding those few alliances which are actually running Beninerk Hard Mode. And those most likely only need the weapon from there, even if.
Oh, suprise btw.
New PvE content will be Cube and Minionite instance in 7.3.
Hopefully they wont forget to patch in the cubes for the old instances at least (insert quality meme here).I am sorry but... what? Efforts of pvp people? I love pvp personally and I would LOVE to see everyone equally geared. Do you mean PvP peoples effort is the whole concept that they gear up and consider it just a victory to get ther gear without actually using it?
My dude, when the patch came out in august 2019 people tryharded (some went full p2w aswell with luna) to finish asap their gear. Farming and buying/gathering the materials for the starlight fragments was to be considered a really expensive thing to do due to the simply missing ressources.
My point? Give the second best gear out for free like Kata gear f.e. While tier 2 pvp is still the best, they would only troll the active PvP players (which are left, KAPPA) if the next event would actually give out this specific gear.EDIT: Who ever was smart gathered as much kinah and all the PvE gear/accessories/weapons from the past events since autumn. If you did that, there is basically nothing left beside some manastones and then try to make an ally for the endgame stuff. How to enjoy renewed content in aion eu in 2k20.
Let’s be honest, all the people who wrote „no“ wouldn’t be here if they wouldn’t care. The thing is as some already stated out, Gameforge seems to be not interested in certain things regarding the game such as bugs, event inflations etc. and it’s understandle. The game looses players and Gameforge manages other games which are way more worth spending money and time into. Let’s be honest, the fact that they said that they won’t give the game an up-to-date engine was already a secret hint that the game is not in any future plans. You can correct me, but everyone who thinks differently, do you really think the communication between the community and the publisher is working at the moment? I don’t know if other games also suffer under problems like this, but for sure things would work better if this problem wouldn’t exist and people would be less upset, toxic or whatever the feelings are at the moment.
As others before me stated already its a big NOPE from me as well. Without spending money ingame you are going nowhere if you decide to take the f2p path you have to consider multiple months of constant farming and actively playing and even then you cant match all the others that have spent money on the game. Also the entire game is built around RNG and thats the only reason the game is still running you will get frustrated alot when playing and rng is almost never in your favor also i cant remember a single event that wasnt bugged in the last couple of months so there is that. I assume that they just dont have the high quality standards they had in the past and things also take ages to be fixed. The game itself is great but the entire rng fest killed it for me and almost everyone else however its your choice afterall
Active number of people playing IS actually dropping steadily while all the above are happening.
No one does PvE anymore since active people should still have plenty of kinah in stock and the endgame items you get from PvE are thrown out like garbage if you check the reward list of the past months/events (with some minor exceptions).
Indeed, they drop. Still it's not difficult to find parties for PvE and there's still people who need something, at least regarding the Stella NM stuff and ofc Beninerk.
I don’t know if other games also suffer under problems like this
It's mostly everywhere like that. Adjustments are often minor or in one of the Korean MMORPGs GF keeps for the last 13 years the developer only produces content for Gameforge nowadays. Still - it exists and keeps on going. One day it'll be over, but whenever it happens - it will neither be tomorrow, nor will we save the game by hoping for a better future. We make our personal decision and that will determine the outcome someday.
But as stated previously - I like playing Aion. Though the updates don't make me excited, though most people I played with left or got lost in time. It's ok for me. It might not be ok for someone else. But that doesn't concern me.
Thanks for the additional information to everyone who answered. I tried other games like AION and they have a bigger number of players now maybe since many people are at home. Did it affect the game environment of AION the same way>
Thanks for the additional information to everyone who answered. I tried other games like AION and they have a bigger number of players now maybe since many people are at home. Did it affect the game environment of AION the same way>
See the same people around, the difference is only that people created more accounts / etc. to get +9 stigma bundles from a Hero Trial event.
Game is still not worth playing it.
Covid-19 didn´t change that.
Just like what others said… not really. But if you really want to try it, why not?
- Zapiel
yes the game is worth but keep in mind you cant just get the game and be like the others that was before you day after day in the past. You need some Times to recover what you lost and if you are new you need a bit to farm like crazy but at the end you will come togheter with the rest . Just log in and farm a bit around because sometimes some players have different style of playing so who knows. Never say never . The People are saying no but they still play so ? Is worth? Get in the game and see it . Gameforge destroy the game 50 % with all the bugs ,events and the P2W but 50 % is the players that dont know to share info and to help everyone to have a good start. Is just my opinion with respect to everyone