Here you can find a properly working gear calculator
Supported languages: ENG, RU, GER, ESP. KOR.

Up-to-Date Gear Calculator
I like it
Too bad it's Russian -
I like it
Too bad it's RussianIf you look above the search bar you will see the page is also translated for English, Spanish, German and Korean
Yeah i saw
I meant the whole thing, news and such.the other aion sites are so messy and not up to date - this one seems to be well maintained
Yeah i saw
I meant the whole thing, news and such.the other aion sites are so messy and not up to date - this one seems to be well maintained
this one is maintained by russian publisher
English and Deutsch sections of the were updated to version 7.0.
English and Deutsch sections of the were updated to version 7.0.
which one is english?
which one is english? -
North America. -
It seems quite logical. Is not it so?
was all in german
Your browser might auto translate from Russian.
which one is english? -
North America. -
It seems quite logical. Is not it so?
some text in german
some text in german
Thank! Corrected!
In the gear calculator you can change previously created sets (and not only)!
- Log in to the site by choosing a convenient social network, such as Facebook: “highly likely” the site does not retain information about you
- Add your gear to the calculator, save the set:
- You can use previously created sets. They can be copied:
If item 1 is completed, it will be possible to specify the name of the set:
- You can use previously created sets. They can be copied:
Now the set is associated with your account and you can change it!
- And on the profile page you can find all your gear sets:
All this is relevant both for the stigm calculator and for item comparison.
Sorry for my terrible english...
- Log in to the site by choosing a convenient social network, such as Facebook: “highly likely” the site does not retain information about you
I will not produce a bunch of new topics, I will write here:
We launched a detailed quest page! With blackjack and ... a detailed description of the dialogue with the NPC in the process of completing the quest!
Fans to read the story of Aion will be ecstatic
Euro-localization has been updated to version 7.2.
For some reason i cant find any bow. Oblt greatswords
For some reason i cant find any bow. Oblt greatswords
Did you try changing weapon class?
Its set to gladiator with gs by default.
Just wanted to say - I love this and thank you so much