Please bring back Midnight Dredge

  • Following Kegi's advice, I am creating a forum post regarding our petition to bring back Midnight Dredge.

    Petition link:

    gameforge  Galeas  Drestam  Celes

    We’re reaching out as passionate players of Aion EU Classic to request that you consider reinstating the Midnight Dredgion instance. Other regions, such as North America and Korea, have kept the Midnight Dredgion.

    Here’s why this matters to us:

    Active Community: The Midnight Dredgion has become a key part of our gaming experience. Players from North America, South America, and Europe have come to rely on it for engaging gameplay. Its removal has had a noticeable impact on our community.

    Quick Queue Times: The instant queue times for Midnight Dredgion demonstrate its popularity. This indicates a strong and active player base eager to participate. With such high demand, it seems clear that removing it does not align with the interests of the community that has invested time and money into enjoying EU Classic.

    Community Engagement: Many of us have made Aion EU Classic our gaming home, and the Midnight Dredgion instance is a major draw for us. Losing it has taken away a significant part of what we enjoy about the game.

    Inclusivity: The instance is important for players who might not have access to other content or instances. Bringing it back would ensure that everyone has a fair chance to enjoy all the game has to offer.

    We understand that decisions are made with many factors in mind, but we hope you’ll consider this feedback from a dedicated group of players. Reinstating the Midnight Dredgion would mean a lot to us and help keep Aion EU Classic as enjoyable as ever.

    Thank you for taking the time to read this. We appreciate all that you do for the game and look forward to your response.

    -Diana aka Wahine / Elyos Chanter / Atreia Server<3

    Edited 3 times, last by Wahine ().

  • I would like to know how Gameforge works. It makes certain decisions that directly affect the player farm, who can only log in after eleven at night. There are 100 players who signed the petition to return the midnight dred. Sometimes there is a lack of awareness that the midnight dred is the only time to have fun and farm some AP, without losing AP or having to pay to get AP. You should consult the people who pay for the servers to stay open when making certain decisions. We want midnight dred back

  • Bring back Midnight Dredge!! its not like they replaced it with anything on that time slot! South Korea and North America still have 3 windows, I don't know why EU/Gameforge decided to remove this for no reason.

  • Drestam  Celes

    Link to the petition:

    I am reaching out to request a response regarding the petition advocating for the re-opening of a midnight dredge window for players across different regions. The petition has received remarkable support with nearly 200 signatures within 24 hours from the player community.

    This is a great time for the development team or Gameforge to demonstrate responsiveness to player feedback. Access to this content is crucial for players who have invested significant time and resources into the EU Classic server.

    Additionally, the petition has garnered support from several Gameforge partners, content creators, and streamers, including Aselon, Kegi, Rospett, Cherrie, Turbonugget, Nimblex, and Dontpanic. Their endorsement underscores the broad support within the community and highlights the importance of this issue.

    Could you please provide a response on the current status of this petition and any anticipated next steps? The community is eager to learn about any developments and hopeful for a positive resolution.

    Thank you for your time and consideration. We all look forward to your response!

    Edited 2 times, last by Wahine: removed Galeas on tag ().

  • Hello,

    Thank you for your passionate feedback regarding the midnight dredgion. Everything has been forwarded, even the petition!

    No final decision yet but I should bring good news very soon. We will keep you updated!

    Thank you again for caring about AION Classic :)

    Drestam and your AION Team

    Edit: On a side note, please refrain from tagging Galeas. He is still working at Gameforge and on AION but he is not part of the Community Manager team anymore :)

  • Hi Drestam !

    Thank you so much for your response! I edited my post and removed Galeas.

    We appreciate all the help and feedback you have given us regarding our petition.

    We are looking forward to the update! <3

    Edited once, last by Wahine ().

  • Hi Drestam  Celes

    Good day!

    I want to check if we have an update regarding our petition to bring back the midnight dredge. Every day I receive messages from people asking if there is an update. The support is much larger and even more than the number of signatures, not everyone is privy to inputting their email address. May you please advise, we would all greatly appreciate it, Thank you!

  • Drestam  Celes


    I hope you both are doing well! I wanted to follow up on my previous message about the game's current state. We’re seeing more players quitting, and it’s becoming increasingly empty, even during peak hours. The siege numbers are particularly low, which is concerning.

    I truly believe that bringing back Midnight Dredge could reignite interest and encourage more players to stick around. It’s a crucial time, and I’m reaching out to you and the team to consider this move before it’s too late. Thank you!

  • Hello,

    No news yet regarding the midnight dredgion, sadly. The recent manastone situation had our whole attention.

    I will try to get news asap, please be patient there :)

  • Good evening, adding to my friend Wahine's comment, when I started on this server months ago, at that time of the midnight dredgion there were more people than at the siege of the AB fort last Saturday, and each thing has consequences, if you take away the midnight dredgion you can't expect the players to be satisfied and continue in the game, unfortunately right now I'm logged in and there's no pt to do the dailies, which is the basic of the basics that should be done in a PvP gear game, I don't know what the board of the European Aion Gameforge is thinking, but while you're thinking more than 300 players who logged in every day at that time have left, and every day more and more are leaving.

  • the production of aion classic gameforge was in a tight spot, with the american aion classic server bankrupt, everyone came to play in europe, but due to lack of intelligence they are transforming the only decent western aion classic server into yet another dead server

  • I really have no idea what's so hard about bringing Midnight Dredgion back since it was already in the game.

    Also, I'm curious to know who came up with the idea of removing it? What goes on in a person like that which makes him think the players want such "features"?

    Apparently some time slot monk is working at Gameforge. You can only do everything at certain times, even events.

    I can understand that for sieges, but Tiarkh? Dredgion? Shugo event?

    If I could set that, then registration would simply always be open and if you can't find any other players, then that's just how it is (in most other games it's like that for group instances).

    The majority of players would enter at peak time anyway, but with my change players who only come online after 10 p.m. (e.g. because they have family) could still get into the PvP instances, even if they had to wait a while.

    I've always had to miss out on the Tiarkh anyway, but now I'm missing out on the Dredgion too? Thanks for nothing Gameforge, play your game alone.

  • current weekday in aion: log in at 7pm. run dredgion. start beluslan dailies at 7:30pm. register for tiarkh at 8pm sharp. log out at 8:45pm. optionally if there is siege or agent battle, log back in at 9:55pm. participate. open manastone bundle of various rank. log out again at 10:15pm.

  • we are reaching the two months mark soon.. sadly, I do not feel any real motivation from gameforge to address this, regardless of the decision. that lack of motivation gets reflected pretty well in the current amount of remaining players.

    Edited once, last by Philine ().

  • Gameforge does nothing as always. More and more players are leaving the game. Aion Classic will be finished soon

  • Hey Team!

    WE DID IT!!! 🎉 Midnight Dredge is officially back in the game as of 11/06/2024!

    The patch notes say it's available for just one hour (11-12am), but after checking in with some friends and other players, I can confirm that the in-game window is actually two hours—running from 11pm to 1am.

    It's been a long two months, and we know that many players have taken a break, switched to other games, or started exploring like Throne and Liberty. But the return of Midnight Dredge is a step in the right direction!

    Let's keep our fingers crossed that they'll keep this window open when 3.0 drops—I've heard from a few players that they're excited to jump back in and see what's new. 🌟

    Thank you all for your support and for taking the time to share and sign this petition.

    Each one of you made this happen 🙌.

    Also, Thank you Drestam  Celes !