Why is EU classic so nerfed compared to NA?

  • I gotta agree, the droprates are hilarious.

    Let's see 2.0 came out 3 weeks ago.

    So it's 42 Udas ID's (in total) and 21 Besh ID's.
    (and yes, i've done them all)

    We've dropped ->
    Udas: 2 gold Necklaces, 2 gold caster earrings, 1 gold melee Earring, No gold Rings, no eternal rings, no eternal earrings, no eternal belt, no gold mres Headpiece, 6 gold debil weapons.

    Besh: Eternal - 1 staff, 1 plate chest, 1 plate boots, 1 leather gloves, 1 leather chest, 2 cloth shoulders (ye sure, let's barely get eternal but stuff that's already dropped twice), 2 cloth pants (again..), 1 cloth gloves, 1 chain boots. Gold - In total maybe like 8-10 pieces. 1x Wings.

    KKM - all possible ID's, no Gold Weapon
    Eso - all possible ID's, no gold armor/weapon

    Most of the runs were completely empty. The rewarding factor to do this shit all over again every week is just missing.
    But hey, we get Miol-Food for a miol that doesn't even exist!

    Why couldn't we keep it like Poeta and get Manastone Bundles in every Boss? The possibilitys to get lvl 60 manastones are almost not existant. Ppl keep socketing lvl 50 stones and i could imagine that a lot of ppl still run Poeta just to get a decent amount of Manastones to barely socket their gear with this absolutely awesome socketingrates...

  • The questions we are all asking is "will Gameforge listen to their players or will they let it slide" ?

    Also, Firm Balaur Horn, Lustrous Balaur Meat etc are almost non existant. Whether it's Chantra DD or BTHM, we always get the new heart to buy the level 60 balic plans but if we can't get the rest of the mats to craft something, what even is the point ?

  • The questions we are all asking is "will Gameforge listen to their players or will they let it slide" ?

    Also, Firm Balaur Horn, Lustrous Balaur Meat etc are almost non existant. Whether it's Chantra DD or BTHM, we always get the new heart to buy the level 60 balic plans but if we can't get the rest of the mats to craft something, what even is the point ?

    Ye, we've dropped not even 10 balaur mats in total since patch start.
    Not talking about hearts.
    Scale,Skin,Blood,Flesh... Balic Crafts are impossible.

  • If the game was free to play i understand this bs ... but since we are paying to play Game Forge should consider something with the drop rates .. Indeed its really frustrating , i quit few times because of that already ... i love the game but i hate what it has become :(

  • edit: removed pre-rollback ("2.5 mess") drops I included by mistake (server was rolled back after udas area mobs in gelk were dropping sw/taha/padma stuff)

    So I made a little tool to analyze my NA data: 4GB of logs between 2022.12.15 - 2023.08.09








    186 Stormwing kills:


    4 swords

    5 templar swords

    2 daggers

    5 greatswords

    8 orbs

    1 bow

    7 poles

    3 staves

    8 tomes

    4 maces

    73 chest pieces

    = 73 x armor, 46 weapons

    Gold: (wings + vorpal weapons/acce, not counting elder)

    42 wings

    102 weapons

    90 earrings (36 phys 54 magic)

    Total eternal armor parts: 246

    Isbariya: 197 kills

    56 eternal pants

    47 gold shields

    Flarestorm: 94 kills

    7 eternal shields

    3 eternal swords

    40 hats

    Anurati: 74 kills

    13 gold earrings

    12 gold weapons

    9 eternal rings

    Debilkarim: 209 kills

    35 gold necks

    8 eternal earrings

    126 gold weapons

    4 eternal belts (from box, not opened in all the runs)

    Kingspin: 43 kills

    12 gold rings

    8 gold shields

    Tahabata: 78 kills

    12 eternal weapons

    74 gold chest parts

    40 gold weapons

    26 gold necks

    +25 gold weapons from Anuhart (previous boss)

    Padma: 64 kills (we don't have this yet, but soon)

    4 eternal weapons

    5 eternal armor pieces

    25 gold armor pieces

    Edited 3 times, last by Shira ().

  • Since 1.9 Not a single dagger drop from DP S rank. The open world loot is non existant at this point and the only way to progress is the Legal kinah from hard working players. Not sure how long ill play at this rate it's quite sad

  • Double loot or whatever is coming tomorrow. "Lets try to ease the tension" - GF

    Gameforge, please apply the NA rates and avoid the 2.5 or 2.7 mess that caused the game to be on life support. The game is good but beside those who buy from bots, you won't have any fair player left at some point unless they are crazy or knows the timer of named monsters since they loot at least.

  • Are you kidding us?

    If you "really" read the NA forums and patch notes, you would have noticed that NA had a custom drop since the Korean version is unsuitable for the western version (that was a producer's comment).

    They just "forgot" to re-enable this customization in the new patch too - That seems to be the usual incompetence of NCSoft.

    And whoever thinks lowering drop rates against bots will help, also believes in Santa Claus.

    Aion KR is strong pay2win - that's why the drops have been reduced.

    Try Aion NA - there you can trade Kinah and all sorts of drops with Daeva coins via a separate ingame marketplace.

    Conclusion: NCSoft wants to have bots in the game that pay Siel's energy and then sell the Kinah farmed to the players for Daeva coins. It's a perfect win-win situation for NCSoft if the players are stupid enough not to realize they get scammed hard.

    I have no idea why Gameforge doesn't notice such things. Actually, that can only mean that all employees have absolutely no idea about Aion or they plan to implement the same things in a mid-term sight.

  • And whoever thinks lowering drop rates against bots will help, also believes in Santa Claus.

    The results in NA: bots are still farming, but real players are like 5% what it used to be, the server is a desert. Socketing gear has become something of ancient fairy tales, only veteran players who stocked them long ago still have any to use, broker is empty (ofc, you get -some- through p2w season, and even like that it's not enough to socket even 1 piece of armor). Balic mats: non-existent, crafting anything other than pots/scrolls is gone.

  • Double loot or whatever is coming tomorrow. "Lets try to ease the tension" - GF

    Gameforge, please apply the NA rates and avoid the 2.5 or 2.7 mess that caused the game to be on life support. The game is good but beside those who buy from bots, you won't have any fair player left at some point unless they are crazy or knows the timer of named monsters since they loot at least.

    • [Event] Siel's Instance Drop Boost - more information tomorrow - End: 20.09

    So i guess nothing will change in long term and we only get our mouth shut by adding drop boost from time to time...

    • [Event] Siel's Instance Drop Boost - more information tomorrow - End: 20.09

    So i guess nothing will change in long term and we only get our mouth shut by adding drop boost from time to time...

    eternals, except for tahabata, are not even listed as part of the event :)

  • You are partialy right only.

    EU had ok rates before gelk/ingi, actualy it still has ok rates for under 50 content.

    I ll try to explain on UT/LUT, those rates that we curently have are korean 2.4, elite mobs in UT/LUT drops nothing, mostly gray 1k worth items, white gear wich sells for 100k lets say and mobs drops 3k kinah. That kinah drop is not from each mob wich singnals that rates are pretty low, proly its ment to counter bots but side effect is that game feels not rewarding and population of players will reduce for sure.

    We had this scenario when 2.4 came to NA, same rates as in EU, people quit. Then Nsoft saw and made 10x better drops, mobs were droping not 3k then 30k kinah, you could see alot of white stones, white sellable gear, like 5 green manastones per UT clear, like 2-3 fabled drops. People came back to game and was very alive before 2.5 wich rewerted drops and game died.

    EU server economy is in big trubles cuz of drop rates and also bad mistake of making siege rewards untreadable, instead of small inflation wich is normaln with new patch we are facing deflation.

    So basicly we have decent drop rates for under 50 lvls and korean "antibot" rates for 55. We will face server merge pretty sooon if GF doesnt fix it. And if they implement 2.5 with korean rates game will be in serious problems.

  • "antibot" is a fairy tale, they just want to increase shop sales. Like right now NA has this season event to get 30 manastones for about $20.