AION Classic roadmap and the fast update schedule

  • As for me im fine with this patches i dont see reason to sit 2 years on this content with boring instance and flying map if at least we had 3 dreds then fine ppl who leave will leave like they did in past so who cares

  • As for me im fine with this patches i dont see reason to sit 2 years on this content with boring instance and flying map if at least we had 3 dreds then fine ppl who leave will leave like they did in past so who cares

    nobody said 2 years, no need to be hyperbolic.

    Up to Gameforge to analyze it, in the end its all about profit. Average casual wont be playing if they push new content at this pace.

  • As for me im fine with this patches i dont see reason to sit 2 years on this content with boring instance and flying map if at least we had 3 dreds then fine ppl who leave will leave like they did in past so who cares

    nobody said 2 years, no need to be hyperbolic.

    Up to Gameforge to analyze it, in the end its all about profit. Average casual wont be playing if they push new content at this pace.

    Edit by Rafael : Taunt

  • Edit by Rafael : Taunt

    Are you able to communicate and use valid arguments and be atleast a little bit constructive? So far, you are offensive and you dont contribute anything useful to this disccusion, only your subjective beliefs and indirect or direct attacks.

    1. I am fine I am "uneducated" (funny word you used in this context)

    2. No i am not playing while crying on the forum, your bad judgment based on your even worse causal attribution behavior.

    3. You said many more "rude" posts, for example, that you are looking forward for next patch just to see me "cry".

    You and everything you say, is useless here. If you have some argument say it, othwervise, you ar ejust blaming, attacking and wrongly assuming.

    your only valid argument so far looks like this to me: "I am nolifer, a kid without work, without friends and without family. I have nothing to do that playing this hardcore classic game." Thats everything I cna read from your weak arguments.

    I, unlike YOU, came here to discuss. Not battling with kids.

    Edited once, last by bizoon ().

  • Hey Protecc or people that share such opinion

    I was wondering why it is, that you require Inggison/Gelkmaros to enjoy ground PvP. Maybe you can elaborate on that?

    My thoughts are, if one likes ground PvP one is already able to do so in Heiron/Beluslan at the end game level right now. Apart from the rifts usage limit, which can be increased, I fail to see any difference. Especially since sieges are just a PvE event now. Where is the difference from slaying questing players in Heiron to zering questing players in Inggison? Instead of camping the entrance of Draupnir Cave, players just camp entrances to each others Udas Temple or Silentera Canyon.

    Because SC+Inggi and Gelk are vastly superior pvp maps to Heiron and Belu?

    For multiple reasons too.

    1. Both maps are filled with people over lvl 50 so no lowbies.

    2. There are multiple "hot zones" so pvp is not in only one location of the map like DC entrance and one other camp for both maps..

    3. Layout itself is bigger and better but thats subjective.

    4. GROUND Sieges?

    5. Classes will have access to their good shit when it comes to stigmas.

    2.0 can't come fast enough. Make an ingame poll not in these forums. Forums are usually filled with people who complain the most.

  • multiple 'hot zones' = in front of the 2 forts of each area, where ppl try to do their daily quests, yeah right...amazing. with mobs that do more dmg than the players and an invisible Ragnarok killing everyone.

  • multiple 'hot zones' = in front of the 2 forts of each area, where ppl try to do their daily quests, yeah right...amazing. with mobs that do more dmg than the players and an invisible Ragnarok killing everyone.

    Thats like.. just your opinion man. If you didn't pvp anywhere else that doesn't mean there wasn't any other spots to pvp at. And even if there were only these two zones near the forts they are still 3 times bigger than a single camp and its surroundings + DC entrance thats filled with balaurs CCing u 24/7.

  • 2.0 can't come fast enough. Make an ingame poll not in these forums. Forums are usually filled with people who complain the most.

    No, forums are filled with people who care about the game and like to keep informed as well as voice their opinion. If you find that people in forums continually are of a different opinion than you, it is not because they are all complainers, it is because you keep having an unpopular minority opinion.

  • Hey Protecc

    Thank you for the clarification. I am not going to comment on it, since it is your opinion. I asked for it and I respect it. Obivously I disagree to some points.

    To get the majority of opinions Gameforge would already have an inagme survey mechanic. I think Gameforge should release all the 2.0 to 2.5 content together and not split it up unnecessarily. Like someone else said, new patches are inevtiable anyway. So just release the latest patch after this 1.9 version and be done with it. Right now leveling the new class would not even be so bad since many are still in the process.

  • 2.0 can't come fast enough. Make an ingame poll not in these forums. Forums are usually filled with people who complain the most.

    No, forums are filled with people who care about the game and like to keep informed as well as voice their opinion. If you find that people in forums continually are of a different opinion than you, it is not because they are all complainers, it is because you keep having an unpopular minority opinion.

    I find most of them share my opinion, as can be checked by posts-likes ratio. So I don't appreciate your attempt at insinuations.

    And the forums are filled with plenty of people who complain just for the sake of complaining you cannot deny that. Best way to check for something is ingame poll like Angel wrote before me. Its pointless to argue who likes something more here.

  • So its fine when you calling yourself MAJORITY? and if you will read first page i gave my constructive opinion about it mr MAJORITY

  • well, they should have just announced it as aion relaunch or aion reboot instead of aion classic. or i guess it is my fault for not knowing the plan of it.

    Soar into the heavens, Exciting aerial combat, fighting for your faction in the skies above Atreia, Look forward to PvE content and rediscover maps and instances such as Dark Poeta and the Baranath Dredgion. for me that was obviously 1.x. ah well, was a good run while it lasted.

  • well, they should have just announced it as aion relaunch or aion reboot instead of aion classic. or i guess it is my fault for not knowing the plan of it.

    Soar into the heavens, Exciting aerial combat, fighting for your faction in the skies above Atreia, Look forward to PvE content and rediscover maps and instances such as Dark Poeta and the Baranath Dredgion. for me that was obviously 1.x. ah well, was a good run while it lasted.

    i really dont know but since kr out there was a straight plan and it was said that they want to make aion in different direction etc. new classes new areas rebalance and other stuff. it was already known since then that it wont be just a classic version. And when GF announced it the patch should be 2.5 from the start, so and this was said.but they gave you 3 month to nostalgia the game now its time to move on. so even now you are playing rebalanced classes. next patch there will be a huge buff on supp chanters and templars healers sorcs. So its not classic that you've played decade ago.

  • 2.0 can't come fast enough. Make an ingame poll not in these forums. Forums are usually filled with people who complain the most.

    No, forums are filled with people who care about the game and like to keep informed as well as voice their opinion. If you find that people in forums continually are of a different opinion than you, it is not because they are all complainers, it is because you keep having an unpopular minority opinion.

    I find most of them share my opinion, as can be checked by posts-likes ratio. So I don't appreciate your attempt at insinuations.

    And the forums are filled with plenty of people who complain just for the sake of complaining you cannot deny that. Best way to check for something is ingame poll like Angel wrote before me. Its pointless to argue who likes something more here.

    Checking the poll result is enough for me. And how you "feel" about my "insinuations" does not matter to me. You are manipulative and try to push your narrative by dismissing other opinions with assumptions about their personality and motives. They feel different than I do? Oh they must be habitual complainers. Right.

    I could just as well claim most people are mindless lemmings who just click anything that is presented to them ingame away without reading it by choosing the first (or a random) option. There goes your ingame poll validity if I would go to that (your) level.

  • for the roadmap for 3 months time the only changes i would like to see is the upper abbys inner dungeons unlocked maybe the dungeon in the eye also at most i dont wanna see ing /gelk and 55 level so soon into the servers life

  • 2.0 can't come fast enough. Make an ingame poll not in these forums. Forums are usually filled with people who complain the most.

    No, forums are filled with people who care about the game and like to keep informed as well as voice their opinion. If you find that people in forums continually are of a different opinion than you, it is not because they are all complainers, it is because you keep having an unpopular minority opinion.

    I find most of them share my opinion, as can be checked by posts-likes ratio. So I don't appreciate your attempt at insinuations.

    Most of them DO NOT share your opinion, as proven by the poll in the first page of this thread.

  • When the Aion Classic in China was upgraded to 2.0, at least 1/3 of its players were lost. This is a true and accurate number. There are many reasons. I am too lazy to say more.

    And gf wants to upgrade in 2 months, I don't know if this planning is professional? The Tahabata weapon, which symbolizes the status of a top player, has spent a lot of energy (or money, whatever you want to call it), just got it, and turned into a waste in an instant. All players will be angry and disappointed.

    The same thing happens with abys gear. Who would want to continue playing this game if they knew their gear was about to become junk very quickly? If gf doesn't respect the player's sweat. Players vote with their feet. This game planner is really unprofessional.

    If this plan is followed, it is estimated that 2.0 will lose 50% of users.

    Edited 4 times, last by cgws ().

  • well, they should have just announced it as aion relaunch or aion reboot instead of aion classic. or i guess it is my fault for not knowing the plan of it.

    Soar into the heavens, Exciting aerial combat, fighting for your faction in the skies above Atreia, Look forward to PvE content and rediscover maps and instances such as Dark Poeta and the Baranath Dredgion. for me that was obviously 1.x. ah well, was a good run while it lasted.

    Well I understand it wont be Aion Classic at the moment I see you can reach lvl 50 in few days with full set given for every area and even SR full stuff given in a solo dungeon