Why we still face ddos attack after a month?

  • Hello,
    This game is playable . Every time im entering some good instance I have scare that server will down . 1 month left and classic still have doss attack problem. Since we read so many articles that GF have 25 years of MMORPG Experience and its on top I dont know #5 place. Why you dont spent money to buy powerful filters to hold doss attack? For MMO RPG , Doss attack is family member and after a years you guys still dont have enough powerful filters to hold doss?
    Put some item in shop as "donation to server for we buy filters to hold doss " we will buy if its will fix the problem.
    Its not only instance fail . Its about motivation to play [...] in peace. 1 month left and still numbers of down almost every day.
    Do something ! Or say something ! Since we all re pay to play players we want to know when this will over.
    When you will buy powerful filters to hold this demit doss?

    [Edit Olly : Language]

    Playing this shit Since 2010, As always and forever !!
    Asmodian General : "BonJovi"
    Good Elyos is Dead Elyos

    Edited once, last by Olly ().

  • Since we have free speech I can tell ppl on forum to do it (if you agee with me )
    I did it. If you want you can do it to


    E mail : support@ncsoft.com

    Title : Aion Classic, Do Something to Gameforge

    Hello ,

    I hope this email will find the right place. 1 month left since AION CLASSIC EU (Gameforge) realised. 1 month we are suffering low quality server and ddos protection problems. Almost every day the Gameforge server goes down . They don't have minimal ddos attack filters and they don't try to fix the problem. We (Players) make a petition to you (game creator) force Gameforge to buy protection filters against ddos attack. I know how ddos work and I know it's just a matter of money. Since it's a pay to play model . We (Players) who pay monthly to play deserve to play in a peace not with fear that any time server can go down and we can stick in instances. .

    Make sanctions to Gameforge to force them to spend money on ddos attack filters.

    Thank you.


    We have right to do it and go ppl and report Gameforge .

    Playing this shit Since 2010, As always and forever !!
    Asmodian General : "BonJovi"
    Good Elyos is Dead Elyos

  • Switzerland agrees with the petition

    (Schweiz nimmt am Antrag Teil)

  • Can't tell if serious or just a troll post...

    - Hilariously broken English CHECK

    - Unfactual reasons (server down almost everyday) CHECK

    - Ridiculously double digit IQ finger pointing (GameForge, the CREATORS of AION) CHECK

  • Can't tell if serious or just a troll post...

    - Hilariously broken English CHECK

    - Unfactual reasons (server down almost everyday) CHECK

    - Ridiculously double digit IQ finger pointing (GameForge, the CREATORS of AION) CHECK

    Trust me if you and GF knows spelling English better than me its wont help to fix the problem that (if you play aion and not just entering forum to be toxic) our gameplay suckes almost every day because they dont want to spent money to buy ddos filters . If you dont know what im talking . You can go on youtube and see how ddos works and how you can protect your self from ddos attacks. Its simple and easy. Just its need to spent money on filters.

    Playing this shit Since 2010, As always and forever !!
    Asmodian General : "BonJovi"
    Good Elyos is Dead Elyos

  • Dont worry guys. They will send you 1 candy 1 reset scroll and they will clean them hands. :) Not fixing the problem just sending items ruining in game economy and they think its all.
    On 50 lvl each time you die you lose 130k kinah. So in this two days if you die 10 times because of server problems you lose around 1.5kk . If you want to get 1.5kk on this server in open word its takes you to farm around 5h :)

    Playing this shit Since 2010, As always and forever !!
    Asmodian General : "BonJovi"
    Good Elyos is Dead Elyos

  • Unfortunately, we are fighting against DDOS attacks since yesterday evening. Our team is still on it and we are trying our best to resolve the issue. Please note that multiple Gameforge games are affected at the moment. We apologize for the inconvenience and we will continue to work on it. Thank you for your understanding!

    Drestam while the team fights against DDoS please think of something that will make us go on you easier for wasting instance runs etc. For example my team just wasted DP entry (177k rift essence + at least 250k in blue balaur scales, not mentioning the frakin time wasted on the run). Sould healing should be 1 kinah until DDoS are over (price like during events in the old times), ofc free time activation stone for all and maybe a bag full of blue balaur scales - because you know this shit will happen again, why not get ahead of it and compensate for it too?

  • Should we help them recruiting some good IT manager on linkedin or similar? With some effort u can find some really good. The bad aspect is that they want a salary, u know, for the job.

  • Should we help them recruiting some good IT manager on linkedin or similar? With some effort u can find some really good. The bad aspect is that they want a salary, u know, for the job.


  • They can't keep giving free stuff. Then those or other virgos will DDOS the game after they do their instances, so they can get free stuff and farm some more. They clearly have no life so farming more is no prob for them.

    Gameforge just has to get more DDoS protection. Not give us free stuff. Pay for more/better protection.

    Divinelysian - Sebivine

    Eternal Guardians


  • Should we help them recruiting some good IT manager on linkedin or similar? With some effort u can find some really good. The bad aspect is that they want a salary, u know, for the job.

    You don't have to pay senior managers much money if you consider ppl with 2 year exp senior already :gameforgebigbrain:

  • Nice ... ppl who works have time to play in weekends and GG nice weekend for play in peace .



    Playing this shit Since 2010, As always and forever !!
    Asmodian General : "BonJovi"
    Good Elyos is Dead Elyos

  • hey u guys just cant log in because of DDoS. But my account is suddenly invalid and they wrote me that they dont have rights and License to publish the game in my country. And the most ridiculous is im living in Switzerland.